Are You In?

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Fences surrounded the yard with barbed wire at the top of it so no one can escape. Like I said before, it feels like a prison in here. As I glanced at the wonderful nature, a guy sitting at another table in front of me motioned me over. I looked behind me at first to make sure he wasn't inquiring someone else. But no, he was defiantly pointing to me. I don't know if I should walk over there, I mean what does he even want with me? I've only seen him during lunch time and even then we don't speak to one another. Damn it, he gestured me to come over again. He's seems paranoid cause he keeps looking over his shoulder. Oh well, fuck it! I ain't got nothing to lose. I got up and casually walked over to him and sat down. I don't know what he's up to but obviously he want it to be secretive. "You know how fucked up this place is?" He whispered. "Man don't I know it" I said back to him. Finally someone understands how I feel. He may be a cool person after all. "Glad you agree cause me and everyone else are coming up with a way to bust out of here." He continued. "Everyone else? Wait what's going on? Who are you?" I asked him. I mean that's been my goal for a while now, to escape and see my family. But I need to know who I'm teaming up with and what the entire plan is in order to be fully up for it.

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