Chapter 2

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I nodded, and when another goblin, this time a female, came into the room, she beckoned me to follow her. We went down several paths until we came to a room with a pool in it.

The female goblin said, "Undress, then get inside the pool. I will not lie. This will hurt, but you will feel better after."

I nodded, swiftly undressed, and got into the clear pool. The female goblin gently laid me back in the water and started chanting. I felt the effects and it was awful. It felt like I was being crucioed and then flayed alive while simultaneously being encased in a block of ice. It was the single most painful thing I have ever experienced.

I had no idea how long I was in there, how long I endured, but when it was over, I felt wonderful. She was right. I felt so... free. Like I had never been before.

I got out of the pool and noticed that it was pitch black. I was horrified. The female goblin noticed and said, "You had many compulsions and potions withing your system, as well as blocks. The color of the water is to be expected."

Slightly reassured, I nodded and got dressed again. We made our way back to the room with Sharpiron. He gave me a fierce grin and I smiled wide back at him.

He nodded for me to sit and said, "Welcome back, Heiress Potter. I take it you feel better?"

I smiled with all my teeth showing and said, "Indeed. I give my thanks. As a show of my appreciation, anything that was originally goblin made within my vaults is to be returned to it rightful owners."

The goblin looked shocked and said, "Are you sure?"

I nodded and said, "I only request that if I should need it, to borrow it for a time... for a price, of course."

He gave a proud nod and said, "Done. Next, we'll go over your accounts and the theft that has occurred."

We spent several hours pouring over everything. All the lands and properties I owned, all the money and ancient artifacts, and most importantly, the gold. It seems that Albus has taken it upon himself to acquire several things belonging in the Potter family, least of all, the cloak.

I hummed and said, "I want everything back. Every single knut is to be returned, with interest. And any artifacts brought back immediately."

Sharpiron gave a ferocious grin and said, "It shall be done."

I then said, "I also wish to instate you as my sole account manager, and any investments you think could be made, do them and you shall receive 10% of the profit."

Sharpiron looked both grateful and proud and he said, "As you say."

I smiled and said, "Now, let's see about my Heirship rings, and see if I can become magically emancipated. I don't need old men telling me what I can and can't do."

The goblin cackled and said, "Here they are. All you must do is put your hand over each ring, and if they accept you, you will feel it. The stronger the connection, more in tuned to the familial magic you will be. If they feel you are ready, they will resize to fit you, and you will earn your Ladyship."

I nodded and then slowly put my hand above the rings. I immediately felt a pull towards Peverell, and I put it on. It resized and I smiled. Peverell wasn't surprising, being the Mistress of Death. Next was the Potter ring then the Black ring. Last was the Slytherin ring, and its acceptance made me slightly proud. Now, even if Tom did come back, I had already taken the Slytherin Lordship.

Sharpiron nodded and said, "I see that you have been accepted, and in magic terms you are free and emancipated. But the magical community, however, is where we come into some problems."

I nodded and said, "I know. I am unsure who to act in the stead of my magical guardian, though."

He looked thoughtful and said, "We can appeal to the courts with evidence of your misplacement and how due to it you have been abused. Then they would most likely agree to either a replacement or your emancipation."

I thought about it and said, "Well. I know that my Godfather Sirius Black has been wrongly imprisoned. What if we got him a trial? I mean, we could have the trial while I am in school, and he could get cleared to be fit for my care."

Sharpiron nodded and said, "We shall get right on that. Now, is there anything else that we can do for you today?"

I shook my head and said, "I would just like a purse linking me to my vaults for monetary reasons. I need to do some shopping. We can go over everything else at a later time."

Sharpiron and I both stood and I said, "Sharpiron, may your gold grow ever larger and your enemie's blood line your halls."

Sharpiron grinned and said, "Lady Peverell, may your enemies cower beneath your feet and your gold overflow your vaults."

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