Chapter 8

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It was just after midnight when Jackie heard a knock on her hotel room door. She bolted out of bed and opened the door, smile widening when she saw him standing there.


He frowned as he came in, pulling her to him. "Bunny?"

She smiled, kissing his neck. "Yes, you're cute. Like a bunny."

He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Well you're definitely cuter."

She smiled up at him, noticing how tired he looked. "You need sleep."

"I just want to be with you, Jackie."

She smiled, leading him to the bed. "You are."

He smiled and changed into the pajamas he'd thrown into a bag before laying down beside her.

She lay her head on his chest, tracing circles on his chest. "I like your sister." She murmured. when she received no reply, she looked up. He was sound asleep.

She smiled and kissed his lips softly. "Goodnight, Bunny."

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