Chapter 5

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Jack managed to keep his promise for a few days. He was strictly professional with Jackie. Although when his brother wasn't watching him he found himself watching her and wondering just what she was like when she was home. 

Which is probably how he found himself walking along the path to the house she rented just a mile away from the main house that night. He could see her in the kitchen window, she appeared to be singing to herself as she did dishes. He smiled, she was perfect.

Jack smoothed his hair and knocked on the door. He was surprised though a few seconds later when a little girl opened the door. 


The little girl smiled, the same smile that Jackie had, "You're my Mommy's boss!"

Jack laughed and knelt down to her level. "I name is Jack."

"I'm Caroline."

He smiled. "You're very pretty, Caroline."

"Thank you!"

Jackie appeared behind her and frowned. "Mr. you need something?"

He nodded. "I do actually...may I speak to you in private for a moment?"

She nodded and motioned to the kitchen. "Let me get Caroline settled in bed."

He watched as Jackie took her little girl up the stairs and made his way into the kitchen. When she returned a few minutes later, he smiled.

"So what did you want?" 

He hesitated for a moment. "I cannot stop thinking about you. You have completely bewitched me, Jackie."

She stayed quiet, watching him as he moved closer to her. "And I have been thinking of one thing since I saw you."

"And that is?"

"Kissing you."

"Then do it." She murmured.

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