Chapter 21

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The press were particularly cruel to Jackie in the days following the death of Arabella. They reported on the miscarriage she'd suffered while married to Onassis and tried to convince the world that the First Lady was incapable of having a healthy baby. They claimed the President's marriage wouldn't last to the end of his term and of course the world watched as the first couple buried their baby.

Jack held tightly to Jackie's arm as they walked to the site they'd chosen to bury Arabella, he knew the press along with the grief was getting to her. She kept her head down as they walked and met no one's eyes as they greeted family members.

Bob pulled Jack aside as they went back to the White House  for a luncheon after the burial. "Hey... how you doing?"

Jack shook his head loosening his tie. "I...I feel numb. It doesn't seem real. Everything is ready for Arabella to come home. The nursery...there's this little bassinet in our room and anytime I go to move it, Jackie screams at me.  The press is dragging her through the mud..."

Bob nodded. "I know. When you two are might be best if you did an interview or something to let people see there is nothing wrong with Jackie. It was a cruel event that no one would have ever expected."

Jack nodded and watched Caroline, dancing with Bob's kids seemingly oblivious to the fact that her parents were falling apart. "I...I just thank God we have Caroline."

"But she's not yours." Bob whispered.

Jack looked at him, anger in his eyes. "I am her father. Her and Jackie are the best things to happen to me. Don't start this fight today, Bobby."

Bobby sighed. "I-I'm sorry, Jack."

"Yeah, so am I."

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