Chapter 4

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After confronting Jackie, Bobby went straight to the trouble-maker in this whole campagian...his brother.

Jack was sitting looking over a news article about him when Bobby came, slapping him on the back. "You."'

Jack looked up. "Brother."

"We need to talk."

Jack sighed. "About what?"

"Jacqueline Onassis. I told you to stay away from her."

"I was just being friendly! Getting to know her!"

"Well don't!" Bobby snapped. "You being friendly leads to you tumbling into bed with someone and then they go to the media. Can you picture that one Jack? Not only do you bed Onassis' ex-wife but you bed an employee!"

Jack nodded slowly. "I get it."

"Promise me then that you will stay away from her."

"I can't promise that."

Bobby sighed. "Promise me that you will stay away from her outside of the working offices."

Jack nodded. "Promise."

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