Chapter 12

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September 23 1960

Jack should have been in Colorado at a campagin stop. He knew his brother would flip when he got the message that Jack had canceled. But everything had changed for him in the last few months. He'd spent nearly every night he could with Jackie and little Caroline. He loved Caroline, he could just picture what it would be like to be her father. And when he got the phone call from Jackie the day before...he knew what he'd had to do.

Jackie's ex husband was dead. Aristotle Onassis was no more and now Caroline had no father. But Jackie needed to do the right thing. She flew to Greece and portrayed the proper grieving ex-wife who no matter what loved the man as the father of her child. Caroline was a wreak and Jack wanted to be there for her. He wanted to be there for both of them.

Which is how he found himself sitting in the back of a small church in Greece. His eyes met Jackie's as she walked in with Caroline and she smiled slightly.

As the service ended and everyone filed out to the burial site, Jack stood off to the side, careful to not draw attention to himself. But then...

"Jack!" He heard his name being yelled by the young girl and she ran to him, tears still in her eyes but a smile on her face.

Caroline hugged his legs tightly. "You're here."

"I'm here." He murmured, picking her up and hugging her close despite his back.

She clung to him and refused to let go. Prompting him to stand next to Jackie as they said their final goodbyes to Aristotle. When Jackie came back to Jack, she leaned against him, sighing. "Thank you for coming Bunny."

"Anything for my girls."

She smiled at that, Unbeknownst to them a local had caught the moments on camera and soon enough their secret...would be out.

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