Chapter 16

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The following night, Jackie was quiet and almost distant when Jack came over to check on her and Caroline.

When Jackie came into her room after putting Caroline to bed, she found Jack laying on the bed with his eyes closed. She sighed softly. "Bunny, why don't you go home and rest."

"No, I'd like to talk Jackie." He said, eyes still closed.


"What's wrong? You've been...not yourself tonight." He said, opening his eyes and watching her as she sat down next to him.

"I just...Bobby wants me to stop seeing you until after the election."

"He came and said that?"

She nodded. "But...he'll keep you from me after the election, I know how this works Jack. I'm the ex wife of Ari Onassis. I have a daughter. I'm not suitable to be with the President of the United States. Our summer...our summer of fun is over."

He pulled her to him gently, rubbing her back as she lay her head on his chest. "You are more then suitable to be with the president of the United States, Jacqueline. You are beautiful, perfect, funny, sexy, smart and the most amazing woman I have ever met. I love you. And always will."

She closed her eyes as tears began to fall. "Jack... There's one thing."


"I'm pregnant."

He was quiet for a moment before breaking into a smile. "We're going to have a baby."


He kissed her softly. "This is better then anything I could ever want."

She smiled. "I...I'm very happy."

"So am I." He murmured as he kissed her again.

Pure TemptationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora