Chapter 7

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Mid June 1960

As Jack prepared more and more to accept the official nomination for Democratic candiadate for President, he spent less and less time with Jackie. Not that he wanted to do that...he just didn't have a lot of time away from Bobby.

One night, Jack attended a fundraiser in his honor at the home of his sister Pat and her husband Peter Lawford. He was surprised to see Jackie. He raised an eyebrow as he caught her eye and smiled dazzingly, nodded towards the man standing next to her with the camera. She was there as his employee. 

The next hour the two tried to avoid being alone, Jackie only interacting with him when she wanted a specific photo to be taken. As the night wore on, Peter turned on the records and everyone let loose. Bobby motioned to Jackie that she was done for the night and Jack watched as she packed up her stuff.

"Ms. Onassis." He spoke from across the room.

She turned and smiled slightly. "Yes?"

"Stay with us for a bit. As a guest."

Bobby shook his head quickly. "Jack she needs to get these photos out for the morning papers."

"And that guy" he motioned to Jackie's partner. "Can do that. Ms. Onassis has worked hard for us and she deserves to let loose a bit."

Before Bobby could respond, Pat chimed in. "I don't mind, Bob. Let her enjoy herself. Hell maybe she can get Jack to dance. Wouldn't that be something."

"Jack doesn't dance, Pat." Bobby laughed.

"I'll dance with Ms. Onassis if that thrills you." Jack chuckled.

"Oh that would!" Pat smiled looking over at Jackie. "Please?"

Jackie smiled. "I suppose so...although I'm actually afraid of his dance skills now!"

"You should be!" Bobby laughed.

Jack rolled his eyes and took Jackie's hand. "Shall we?"

"We shall."

Jackie smiled as Jack pulled her close as the song "Sway" started to play. 

"Great thinking." She murmured.

He chuckled, keeping his eyes on Bobby as he held her close. "The only way I coud get you into my arms without him getting suspicious."

"I miss you."

He looked down at her and smiled. "I miss you too. Where are you staying?"

"The Hilton up the road."

He nodded. "I'll be there tonight."


He smiled. "I have my ways, Jackie."

She raised an eyebrow. "Alright. Want to impress your sister?"

He nodded.

"Dip me at the end of the song."

He held her close until the end and dipped Jackie as she laughed, the entire room burst into appluase and laughter.

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