Chapter 22

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In the weeks following the loss of Arabella Kennedy, both the President and First Lady threw themselves into the work, often times avoiding each other. 

Late one Thursday evening there was a knock on the door to the Oval Office, without looking up from his briefing, Jack spoke. "Come in. Unless your Bobby."

Jackie let herself in and went over to Jack, gently rubbing the back of his neck as she kissed his cheek. He smiled, throwing his glasses down on the desk and glancing up at her. "Hey you."

She smiled back. "Hey you."

Jack pulled her onto his lap and kissed her softly. "Jackie, I...I've been wanting to apologize to you. For all of the things that have happened to us."

"It's not your fault, Jack."

He sighed. "I brought you into this world. In front of the press. If I would have done the honorable thing, I would have let you go. You and Caroline could have had a normal life. Not living in this fishbowl of a home. You wouldn' wouldn't have experienced another loss."

Her eyes filled but she shook her head, leaning against him. "I would not trade this for anything. I wish that Arabella was with us. But she's not...but no matter what, she's our daughter. I fell in love with you. I made the choice just as much as you did. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

He smiled, wiping her tears. "You're the best thing to happen to me. You were more then just a passing temptation."

She laughed softly, shaking her head. "Let me guess, Bobby?"

He nodded. "God, I love you."

She smiled and kissed him again. 'Come on, Bunny. We've spent enough time apart. Come home."

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