Chapter 17

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"Robert!" Jack yelled as he stormed into the main house shortly after he'd left a sleeping Jackie.

"Yeah?" Bobby peeked out of the kitchen.

Jack came into the kitchen and promptly shoved his brother against the wall. "Don't you ever tell Jackie to leave me! Don't you ever make a choice for me regarding her, Caroline or my unborn child! Do you understand me?!?"

Bobby's eyes widened. "What?"

"You heard me!"

Bobby shoved Jack away from him. "You got her pregnant?!?"

"She's having my child. We are going to be a family, Bobby. Don't you dare take that opportunity away from me. Having a family, with Jackie, means more to me then being President." He glared.

Bobby nodded. "Okay, okay."

Jack nodded. "Now. Win me the election."

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