Quality Time with Mama and Dada

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Hi, I'm Payton Aliyah Oxlade-Chamberlain, I'm 10 months old . I'm the only daughter of Perrie Louise and Alexander David Mark Oxlade-Chamberlain.

Perrie's POV:
So, we are currently on holiday in The Bahamas. I'm having some time off after tour and Alex doesn't start the season for 2 months. We're staying in this cute beach home for the next 3 weeks.

I walk over to my daughter's cot and lean over the bar.
"Morning, my little princess." I coo whilst rubbing her cheek softly.
"Mama" she says lifting her hands and doing grabby hands, I lift her up onto my hip. I carry her over to the window and let her look outside. I hear the door shut and peek my head into the foyer and see my hubby walking in with some food. I walk into the foyer and watch him.
"Hey, handsome." I say which makes him jump a bit.
"Darling, don't do that!" Alex replies laughing. I laugh too.
"Hey there, my little muffin." Alex coos reverting his attention to Payton. Payton reaches out for Alex so Alex lightly lifts her out of my grasp. I watch them walk to the balcony. It is honestly adorable how much Alex loves Payton, she reminds me alot of Alex with their matching skin colour and hair colour but she has my ocean blue eyes.
"You, my little girl have a big future for you. I will protect you and mama from any danger, nobody will hurt you as long as I'm around." I can hear Alex telling Payton.

Later that day:
Alex's POV:
We've decided to spend the evening down at the local beach, it's absolutely stunning out here. Perrie is having a few minutes peace whilst I play in the shallow waters with Payton.
"You see any fishes, Paybear?" I ask her
"No, dada" she responds. "No fishes" I hold onto her tightly. She still hasn't learnt how to walk yet but started talking not too long ago.

I start to notice that a lot of birds are diving and a lot of fish are diving. Then I see it. A fin in the water.
"Oh crap" I quickly start to clamber out of the water when I get my foot twisted in some seaweed.
"PERRIE!" I yell out. Perrie hurries over and notices the shark.
"Take Payton and warn others." She listens and warns swimmers of the shark. They all get out of the waters immediately. I'm struggling to get all this seaweed off my foot.
"Alex! Hurry!" Perrie shouts.
I reach for my safety knife in my pocket that I use for emergencies and cut off the seaweed. I can see the shark coming closer, I clamber to safety after getting free and scoot quickly away from the waves.
"That was a close call". Perrie says whilst helping me up. I lose balance on the foot that was caught in the weed and fall to the ground.

Perrie's POV:
I help Alex over to our stuff and sit him down. I put Payton on the ground in her mini playpen, I inspect Alex's foot.
"I just twisted it, I'm fine." He tells me.
"Okay, just don't move it too much." I tell him and he agrees.

The next day:
We got Alex's foot checked out and it waa just a simple mild foot injury. He's fine. Today we're just gonna chillax watching TV.

Payton's POV:
I'm sitting on the carpet playing with some of my toys when I hear "Let's try what we tried at home, princess" and I see my dad. He grabs my hands gently and helps me to my feet
"Okay, now my little muffin. Walk to dada!" Dada encourages me. I look at my feet and take a step forward.
"You're doing amazing, princess" My mama coos behind me. I take another step forward and wobble a bit.
"Come on, Paybear. Walk to dada, you can do it." Dada encourages again. I take a few more steps forward until I reach dada who's smile increases every time I get closer. Dada lifts me in the air and kisses my cheek.
"Well done, angel!" Mama cheers happily behind me.
"You're such a big girl now, muffin!" Dada adds.
"Now let's have another go with mama this time" Dada says whilst standing me up and holding my hands. "Do exactly like you did for Dada but this time, walk over to Mama instead".
"Come on, princess. One more time!" Mama coos.
"Mama!" I yell whilst flapping my arms.
"C'mere angel." Mama coos. I repeat with mama and get a load of kisses and congratulations. I giggle loudly.

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