The Worst Person To Hear You Say That (Part II)

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Jade's POV: It's been a while since Jordan disappeared. I can just read the bother in my boy's face, we haven't heard from mam.
"When's nana coming back?" I hear my eldest daughter query for the 1000th time. Just like the 999 other answers, I just shrug staring out the window. "Why dada do that, mama?" As if rehearsed several times, I put on a false smile and respond "Daddy was just upset. Nothing for you to worry about". She seems to believe me but JJ just looks at me with a disappointing expression.

A hour passes and we hear the front door open. We walk downstairs to see mam and Jordan yelling at each other. He sees me and his face drops.
"Have you got anything to say to the kids?" I ask him, furiously. He's fucked up it all, he sheepishly runs his hand through his hair.
"I know, I'm a dreadful father to them after what I said but sometimes I hate my bloody job as a dad" He tells me with a attitude to which my mam gives him a death stare. "What's the point of these kids having a dad like me, I'm in no way a good role model."
"Jordan, they are your children, our children, they need their dad in their lives." I reply, my heart snapping like a twig.
"It would be more beneficial if I just leave, let's be honest" He responds, sighing.
"Daddy, don't leave pwease!" We hear Isabelle whine so I lift her up into my arms.
"Jordan, come on. Do it for the kids, not me." I tell him, softly. He looks up at me and gives me a look of disagreement.
"No, Jade. There's no point of me sticking around, they deserve a better father figure in their lives." Jordan replies before grabbing his bag again and leaving. I bite my lip to hold back the tears, he's actually gone.

Two weeks later: I'm fiddling with my wedding ring. 14 years of pure bliss to be ruined by something like this? I hear the mini pitty-patter of Isabelle's feet.
"Mammy, can I show you something really cool!?" She asks me, grinning. If I'm honest, the girls stopped caring but JJ still ain't the same. I follow her into the other room to see her drawings and then notice JJ studying the photos on the wall. One in particular that he likes is the one from when he was 6 and it's of him and Jordan after his school production.

JJ's POV: The stories that each family picture tells me are fascinating. Each image gives me memories, some good and some unpleasant. "Hey darling. What ya looking at?" Mam asks me, bending down next to me. I frown and just tell her "Just wishing that Dad was still here". She frowns sympathetically at me and replies "Me too, darling but these things happen." Before pulling me into a cuddle.
"Is daddy gone forever, mam?" I ask her, knowing full well it just shattered her heart into a trillion pieces. She forms her lips into line and just stays quiet.
"Don't think about him, how about we have some dinner?" She asks me, smiling comfortingly. But deep down, I can just tell she's feeling the same way.

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