Proud To Be Your Mother

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Hi, I'm Aurora Deborah-Louise Oxlade-Chamberlain but most just call me Rory. I'm 22 years old and the only daughter of Alexander David Mark Oxlade-Chamberlain and Perrie Louise Oxlade-Chamberlain.

Rory's POV: Tonight is the night that my brand-spanking new film 'Shipwrecked' premiers and I have the privilege of bringing my two amazing parents along. My mam has been buzzing for this night for the entire month.

I play the main character named Olivia Ramiréz and her family stranded on a completely deserted island just off the coast of New Zealand. They meet another family whom are stranded and they all plan to get off the island and back into civilization. In the film I have a little brother named Jaden Ramiréz who's played by Noah Schnapps, a mother named Rebbeca and is played by Jennifer Aniston and a father named Mason played by Chris Hemsworth.

"We have Rory Oxlade-Chamberlain with us this evening ahead of the premiere!" A interviewer announces, a massive smile on her face. "How are you feeling tonight?"
"I'm really excited, we spent a long time on this film and cannot wait for everyone to see it." I respond, nodding.

"So, is it true that you brought your parents to see this film" The interviewer questions. "You are obviously the only daughter of Liverpool midfielder Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Little Mix member Perrie Oxlade-Chamberlain." I chuckle, nodding and pointing my parents out whom are talking with the director and producers.

"Yeah, they took their times from their very busy schedules to be here and support their daughter in this monumental moment of her life. I can't explain how excited my mam was when I told her about me landing the part" I enthusiastically share, smiling widely.
"That is fantastic news to hear, well we hope you have a brilliant evening!" The interviewer says, waving before walking off to interview some of my co-stars.

After the premiere: We make it home and neither my parents have shut up about the film and how good it was. I feel a sense of pride with every compliment escaping their mouths, I sure do have the best parents in the whole entire universe!

Little Mix as your moms  (With Some Ships)Where stories live. Discover now