Suprise Party (Requested)

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The name is Oliver Kaiden Alexander Oxlade-Chamberlain, the 19 year old son of Alexander Mark David Oxlade-Chamberlain and Perrie Louise Oxlade-Chamberlain. I have 8 younger siblings, yes you heard me right 8 little brothers and sisters! I have 5 younger brothers and 3 younger sisters. Their names in eldest to youngest is:
-Tyler Maddox Elliot Oxlade-Chamberlain who's 18
- Danielle Clarissa Lily Oxlade-Chamberlain and Donavon Christian Lukas Oxlade-Chamberlain (fraternal twins) who are 14
-Bailee Louise Niamh Oxlade-Chamberlain who is 13
-Aiden Graham Valentine Oxlade-Chamberlain who's 9
-Louis James Matthias Oxlade-Chamberlain who's 7½
-Tabitha Olivia Stephanie Oxlade-Chamberlain who's 3
-Bentley Stanley Arthur Oxlade-Chamberlain who's 7 months old.
(Set in 2021 *Just imagine that Alex and Perrie are older than they actually are* :) )

Oliver's POV: So since that this year is Little Mix's 10 year anniversary since they won the X-Factor, Dad, Uncle Andre, Uncle Jordan and all of us kids have planned out to surprise them with a party.

*Jade and Jordan have 3 sons named:
-Liam James Stephens = 11
-Joshua Jordan Stephens = 6
- Freddie Benjamin Stephens = 5*

*Leigh-Anne and André have 2 twin daughters and a son named:
-Cody André Gray = 8
-Lily-Anne Abigail Gray and Leah Annabelle Gray= 5*

All 18 of us (excluding Tabitha, Freddie, Lily-Anne, Leah and Bentley) have been planning this party for a while as 10 years as a band is something that calls for a celebration in my personal opinion and everyone else seems to agree so right now, as our mothers are all at an interview, we are decorating the entire downstairs area for a bomb-ass celebration.

I watch as everyone works away and I just make sure that every single thing is going well, Dad and Uncle Jordan are currently hanging up a banner, Donovan and Tyler are currently in the kitchen preparing the food, Liam and Danielle are sorting out the music, Freddie, Joshua, Cody and Louis are playing in the garden with Uncle Andre who's also sorting out the outside decoration with Bailee and Aiden so everyone is very busy, except me who's more or less the boss of the situation and the one who is also keeping a close eye for their arrivals.

You may thinking that it's a bit eccentric... but we think that it's completely appropriate to do! Dad, Uncle Andre and Jordan have even edited a complication of videos to remember the last 10 years.

Perrie's POV: Another interview done today, it was one with Roman from Capital and so far, it's actually been the only one that I've actually enjoyed as the rest have been boring as hell.

It's all the same exact questions from all the other radio stations and interviewers;
"What are your plans for the next 10 years?"
"What are you gonna do since you all are getting older?"
"Have you got plans to split up and do solo projects?"

The last question always makes us laugh for obvious reasons but it's getting bloody boring to answer every single time. We haven't exactly decided what we are gonna do in the future, we may go on for 10 more years, we may end up taking a break at the end of the year (😓), it's up to date really. Trying to raise 9 children *leave us alone we planned to have a massive family* and having a music career where I barely see my family because of all the tours and shit like that you do get really homesick.

Anyhow, now we're just heading back to my house to just have a girls night as Alex, Andre and Jordan have agreed to take our respective kids away for a couple of days to visit grandparents.

I honestly do not understand how Alex manages 9 kids by himself when I'm off on tour and whatnot, he's like SuperDad!

We arrive at the house and we notice our significant other's vehicles in the driveway but we just assume that they travelled in other forms of transportation.

Oliver's POV: "They're back, everyone in positions!" I announce and we all frantically get into positions. Our mums enter the house and seem to notice the letter that we placed at the door. They investigate and that's when we all leap out of our hiding places.


They leap about a foot in the air and all look like they've just shit themselves, then as they regain their breath, we all laugh it off and proceed to have a wonderful night full of happiness, celebration and joy.

Little Mix as your moms  (With Some Ships)Where stories live. Discover now