The One To Blame

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Hi, I'm Brianna Gracelyn Nelson-Edwards. I'm 12 years old and the middle child of Perrie Edwards and Jesy Nelson. I have a big brother named Jaden Christopher Nelson-Edwards who's 15 and a little sister named Presley Nicolette Nelson-Edwards who is 8.

Brianna's POV: I, the middle child gets blamed for legitimately every single thing that my siblings do and the worst part is that it don't take much to get mam (Perrie) or mummy (Jesy) to believe who did what.
"Brianna Gracelyn Nelson-Edwards, come here immediately!" Mummy yells from the bottom of the stairs. My eyes go wide, knowing that if your parents call you by your full name it's better to move to Antarctica and change your name than head downstairs. I reluctantly hop off my bed and walk down the stairs.
"What is it, mummy?" I ask, innocently. My brain racing with memories of shit neither of my parents ever knew about.
"Did you do this?" She asks me, sternly holding a shattered phone in her left hand.
"How could I have done it when I've been upstairs for the last hour?" I reply, wanting to know where this even stemed from. She looks at me suspiciously before asking me "So why is your little sister telling me that you smashed mam's phone?" I shrug my shoulders.
"Princess, tell us the truth about it" Mam instructs me "Did you break the phone?" I just stand there, flabbergasted.
"No I didn't and you should get some more proof before immediately pointing the finger at me!" I snap, before storming back to my room. Are they being actually serious right now!?

Perrie's POV: Slam! Her bedroom door makes a loud noise, but honestly she's right. We don't look for proof before blaming somevody for it. I bite my lip before telling Jesy "I'll go speak to her, babe." I walk upstairs and knock on Brianna's bedroom door. All I get in responce is "Go away, mam!"
"Princess, open the door. I just wanna talk to you." I reply, softly.
"If you're here to discipline me for something that I didn't damn well do, then just say it!" She yells through the door.
"It's not tha-" I start but she cuts me off screamibg "YES IT BLOODY WELL IS! WHEN WILL YOU TWO REALISE THAT NOT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IS MY FAULT!" I sigh and just tell her "Come and speak to me when you've calmed down"

Little Mix as your moms  (With Some Ships)Where stories live. Discover now