Coming Home

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Hi, I'm Ella Avery Oxlade-Chamberlain, I'm 8 years old and I'm the younger daughter of Alex and Perrie Oxlade-Chamberlain. I have a older sister named Saoirse-Louise Elizabeth Oxlade-Chamberlain who's 15 years old

Ella's POV: Mammy has been on tour for about 4 months, she said she'd facetime for my birthday which just happens to be today. I've spent most of the time going to my grandparents's house as my dad is so busy with his football career. But today, he has no football so he can properly celebrate my birthday.
"Darling, can you come here?" My dad asks me. "Someone special sent something for you" He hands me his phone and I press play on a video, I grin after hearing mam's voice say "Hey, baby. I'm very sorry I can't be there for your birthday but I'm here to say happy birthday, sweetheart. I miss you very much and I promise I'll be home soon. Keep that gorgeous smile on your face for mama." Then the video ends and I can't stop smiling. I hand the phone back to dad.
"And she sent this as a little present." He adds handing me a little box, I unwrap it and find a necklace with dogtags reading my birthdate and my initials.
"Turn around, darling" Dad instructs me softly "I'll put it on you" I turn around and Dad clips the necklace on my neck, I turn back around and just see dad smiling proudly.
"You have your mam's eyes." He compliments me, kissing my forehead. "You look identical to mam when she was your age." Saiorse comes down the stairs and murmurs "Happy Birthday Elle" all whilst being attached to her phone.
"Sweetheart, tell your little sister happy birthday properly." Dad instructs sternly "Put the phone down and say it clearly" She just rolls her eyes and walks into the kitchen. Dad sighs and looks at me before saying "Why don't we get on to gifts that the family sent eh?"

Later: We've invited most of the family over but one person is missing. The one who usually encourages me to make a wish and used to help me blow all the candles.
"Well, darling. Blow the candles out but don't forget to make a wish." Dad encourages. I nod and make a wish before blowing all the candles.
"What was your wish, darling?" Nana Debs asks me and I smile and reply "My wish was for mam to come home soon". And just then a pair of arms wrap around me.
"Looks like your wish is coming true, baby" A recognisable voice whispers to me. I turn around and leap into mam's arms, she lifts me up and cuddles me, tightly. "I missed you so much, mama" I tell her and she coos "Missed my little monkey more".


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