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Hi, I'm Logan James William Oxlade-Chamberlain, the 19 year old and youngest son of Alexander Mark David Oxlade-Chamberlain and Perrie Louise Oxlade-Chamberlain, I have a 29 year old half-brother named Benjamin Matthias Alexander Oxlade-Chamberlain from my father's previous relationship.

Logan's POV: Finally returning from my first term of university feels oddly strange to me, I've been studying Film Studies at Leeds University for the last couple of month. To say that my first term was eventful would be putting it mildly, I have met and became mates with loads of people already among some amazing memories that I will cherish forever.

As I pull into my parent's driveway, a wave of nostalgia suddenly hits me like a truck, it's quite a pleasant feeling, I must admit. There's just something about re-entering someplace from your childhood for me...

My dad, who is now sporting a nice beard on his face, opens the front door and the corners of his mouth immediately lift as he sees me getting out of my BMW. I reciprocate the expression as I get my bag out of the boot of the car.
"I've missed you, son" My old man states, his arms stretched for a hug as he approaches me.
"Same here, pops. I've missed you and mam more than anything whilst at university" I respond, giving him a tight squeeze. I lock up the car and follow him inside, carrying my bag.

"Our youngest is home, my dear!" Dad yells out, taking my bag from me as we enter the house and mum comes into view with a massive grin on her face.
"Logan, sweetheart, come and give your mum a hug!" Mum tells me, opening her arms identically like Papa did earlier. I give her a hug and she hands me a box.
"Guess what came in the mail this morning from Nan that was addressed to you?"

I open this box from Nan and there lay a old photograph, a video camera and a letter, I settle the box on a nearby table and lift the occupants out.

Dear, my grandson Logan...

Hello there my dear boy, how you've grown! I can still remember when you were still toddling around in your nappies! This is a late 19th birthday present as I was not able to attend the party due to foreseen circumstances.

I present to you, a photograph of you and your late grandad along with a old video camera that contains a sweet video of you and your dad playing in our backyard when you were a wee lad.

I hope everything goes well with university and I hope to hear from you in the near future

Nana Debs xxx

I examine the old photograph, holding it close to my chest. It's of me and my maternal grandfather in front of a fireplace at Christmas time, I was around 7-9 when this was taken... My grandad passed away 3 years ago after suffering a fatal heart attack, I was always so close with him. He taught me how to play the guitar and piano.

I lay the photograph on the table before picking up the video camera and going through the old videos when I find that particular video.

Back in 2002, 16 years prior:

As I sprint through Nana and Grampy's backyard, I can hear the rustling sounds of Dada's footsteps behind me. I giggle at the sound before he lifts me up and begins to tickle me.

"I've got you!" Dada teases me as my laughter becomes more and more uncontrollable. I squirm in his grasp, unable to keep my mouth closed due to all of the giggles erupting.

"Dada... let... me... go!" I squeal between laughs, completely out of breath.

"The tickle monster will never let you go!" Dada teases me in a silly accent.

The video ends and I can actually feel myself getting a bit emotional as I watch that, the nostalgia waves just keep on hitting me with their powerful strength like bullets impaling it's victim.
"Look at that young boy in the video, son..." Dad tells me, patting my shoulder. "Now look at him, following his dreams and his mum and dad couldn't be prouder!"

(Now, I know that in 2002, Perrie and Alex would only be 9 years old but for the sake of the story just imagine that the they are older)

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