My Role Model

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Hello, I am Sadie Payton Thirlwall. I am currently 10 years old and I am the youngest child to Jade Amelia Thirlwall. I have 2 older brothers named Kai Bradley Thirlwall who is 13 and  Austin Jeremiah Thirlwall who is 17. My father was a alcoholic who hit me and my mam a lot before the police took him away when I was 4.

Sadie's POV: Today is the day of the competition where we had to write a speech about our role models. I decided to enter this competition and I wrote a short speech about my mam. I haven't seen her that much lately because she's been busy with work. But she has promised me that she will be watching me perform. I am currently backstage the competition about to start when I peek past the curtain and see no sign of my mam, all I see are my 2 older brothers. "The competition will begin in around 15 minutes" I hear from our headmaster Mr. Thomas.

15 minutes later: The curtains open up and I scan the audience, I smile as I see my mam, she hasn't broken her promise at all. The first kid starts with his speech, I am at the end. It eventually gets to me, I step up to the microphone and begin my speech "My Role Model is my mam, she is one of the most beautiful, lovely, sweet and kind people that I know. I took my time writing this short speech" I take a deep breath and begin "My mam is my best friend, there is no words that can describe what she means to me. She is a singer and the woman I look up to the most. Nobody has a mam quite like my own. She is very protective of me and my brothers. She helped me through all my really hard times as a kid. I am extremely lucky to have a mother like her. I love her to the moon and back. Thank you" I end my speech and I can see my mam grinning at the back of the hall. The hall applauds. I take my position back in the line and the judging begins. A few minutes go by and the headmaster announces "Alright everybody, we have our winner of the speech competition right here in my hand. All of the participants speeches were absolutely phenomenal but the judges have picked the winner as...... Sadie Thirlwall!" I stand up and grin widely. My mam and brothers applaud loudly.

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