part 11~

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Asches pov~
Lady grandma was now leading me back into the castle, or so i think... i dont know really, after i told her that i would protect whatever creatures she was talking about she just walked past me with a happy face, now im just following her through a forest.

"Hey lady grandma? Were are we going exactly? Are we going to were those creatures are?"

I asked her because i was just confused. I was kindve jhst waliung dumbfounded behind her, i felt a little hungry and dizzy, since we never ate exceot when we were in earth, i actually got used to eating and missed the food. I cant wait for ava to be back just so she can make us a warm..... i think its called.... a chackin noadle soup? It sounds weird..... i dont think i got it right but ill just call it that for now. I still felt the presnce if something being off, wonder if the boys found anything..

Nobodys Pov~
"BLAAHHAAHHAHA NOIII YOU CANT CATCH ME AWWHAHAHA" leif said running around looking eith a goofy smile while turning his head a little bit "AWWW BUT YES I CAN LEIF! IM THE GREATEST IN THE WORLD HAHA!" Noi said running after leif with his heads stretched up infront of him, they were moving damn fast.
"L-lady grandma.... whats.. happening?" Asche said once him and lady grandma walked out of the woods, the second they walked out they could definitely remember this scene forever.
Leif was in shorts and had a mental ctazy face, whike noi looked high on drugs, rhys was now rolling and punching the air and swinging his sword at nothing
'How the heck do i know these people...?' Asche though as he looked at them with a 'wth' look.
Straight away once they walked out of the bush, once again feeling the sweat and hearing other knights training the guys looked at asche and lady grandma walking and they all stood there. Frozen.
"Pfftt!! Why do you all look so scared! It wasnt like we just saw you guys looking like you just drank 20 glasses or rum! (Alcohol? Thats beer in there realm ig💁‍♀️)"
Asche said laighing with his hands covering his stomach and weezing while wiping some teers while lady granmda stood there, she looked relaxed as if she hasnt seen teenage knights with those smiles in so long...

~lady grandmas pov~
It has been so long aince ive seen knights enjoying themselves with eathother laughing... the last people i saw were me and my old friends but that ended when they had to rule other kings and become there own kings and queens.. it was nice to see the boys but we had bigger stuff to do.

I started walking to the boys with a tiny generous smile i felt a warm sensation that i ahvent felt since me and my friends would go out on adventures, i think one big adventure is comming up soon aswell.

"alright boys you go to your rooms and rest up a bit, we have alot to do."
I said as i waved them off as i turned around to look back at prince asche he stood there crossed arms looking at me with a cocky smile that he knew i hated, i could tell earth really changed them, for the better, of course.

"You can go to my dear, you have done alot of walking" as i shooed him off waving my hand off as a 'shoo shoo now motion.

He turned around and started walking with his arms in his pockets and i watches him until he disappeared.

Something wasnt right. It hasnt felt right ever since asche got rid of the king.

I had a sick feeling in my stomach that i couldnt get rid of, i had a headache and my balance was off as my vision started to blur, i saw... vines? Why were there vines, but more inportantly... why is there blood on them?

My vision and balance came back but i still had a headache and a sore stomach

"I should head to bed now, its getting late and we need to start working."
I said to myself as i started slowly walking to my dorm.

As i got in there was a guard standing in the corner

"What do you want?"
I said to the guard, he quickly tensed and got nervouse
"T-there is a-a letter for you lady grandma"
He shakily gave me the letter
I turned it around to see who it was from, and surprisingly enough, iflt was from king artimust
"My my what in the name of gods would he want..?" I said mumbling to myself, the guard quickly let himself out my door and i could hear him run away as i ticked my head to the side a littoe bit glancing at the door.
I sat on the bed and opened the letter.

My old lovely friend, lady adira
I am glad to inform you that your knights.. noi and leif have came to visit me in the castle regarding queen ava, i would like you all to come over to my kingdom for some information in 2 days time, hope you are doing well.
Yours sincerely,
King artimust.

"Hm... well i guess it wouldnt hurt to go over there and see an old friend, anyways, what type of information might he have?"
I said to myself as i closed the envelope and put it on my deskside and got into my bed, and deofted off to the darkness of sleep.

Hey guyss
Sorry i havent been posting in awhile i kinda deleted wattpad but dont worry ill try to fit some more chapters this week. Hope you liked the filler chapter of whats happening to ava right now.
Also in king artimusts letter and how he said 'lady adira' that is ladys grandmas name, i chose it because it means "strong and mighty" and i thought that would fit her character. Anyways gn/aft,gm!

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