~part 16~

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Asche pov
Rhys was carrying leif with his arm around his shoulder, once we ran out of the room noi and peirce glanced and then raced over to us aswell, lady grandma was behind them.

"Rhys what's going on?"
"Is everything ok??"
"What's happening?" Everbody was questioning Rhys and I could tell he was getting annoyed with all of us. He just grunted and started walking faster with leif.

We made it to the infirmary were the nurse immediately took him inside and told us to wait. "What happened?" Lady grandma came up to me and Rhys. Noi and peirce were sitting on the ground together. I looked at Rhys for an answer "he was under the curse from the king earlier on, I guess he was just fighting it off since he does have healing powers "(doesn't leif have healing powers?? Tell me if I'm wrong I forget)
"That might have been the case, but if so why wouldn't he tell us? Or atleast me?" Lady grandma said. "You know how he is sometimes grandmother,  he likes to close himself off." I said. A nurse came running out  and we all stood up her hands were red like burning "you guys Have come see this, I think he's possessed!!" As she ran through the halls it was like time was slowing down, the lights flickering, me and Rhys running through the halls, and multiple doctors were running into leifs room. As we ran inside leif was being held down by multiple doctors and as he looked up at us, his eyes were glowing green, it was like all his powers were formed into just his eyes. He tensed up as he saw us which was weird. "Leif are you alright?" Rhys said slowly walking up. "I have a message for you" He said in a deep voice. This wasn't leif. Leifs voice is not that deep  what was going on?

Who is in leifs body?

OKAY GUYSS so sorry this is a short chapter but I still wanted to update, I have little to no motivation to keep writing this but I'm gonna start off slow and keep going. So I'm sorry for the short chapter but I promise u I'll update just for u guys:))

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