Part 14

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Lady grandma pov!
As we watched the knights, friends walk out and heard them down the hall, we both went to sit back down at the table. "So since they all have something to do about the plan, what are we doing for the plan" king artimust asked. I turned my head and chair to look at him again, "ive been thinking... peirce and rhys have found this gold, white, and purpled streak liquid, i was wondering if it had anything to do about and with ava? Since it is her colours of course" i said moving my hands place to place to explain what i said, he continued looking at me thinking about whatever, finally after 5 way to long minutes, he talks " that most definitely could be connected with her, were did they find it? Did they see anything after touching it?"
He said with a confused face and tone. "No but.. maybe asche can..and Noi, they have really good powers for this type of job" i said perking up a little bit while holding both my hands together tightly. "Alright, Gaurds! Bring noi and asche!" He said waving his arm around a tiny bit, yelling out at the gairds outside the room.

Noi pov
Well..i fell asleep again, i think asches dads sleeping potion is probably the cause for me and leif sleeping alot. I was comfortable in my seat on the ground, i was reading a book with leif and fell asleep, after atleast 10 minutes i could feel sonething fall on me and it was heavy, i woke up with 5 books on my lap with leif laying on my ankels, that damn brat, couldve atleast picked the books up i thought as i got up and put the books away on the shelf, i walked up to peirce and sat  beside him drawing on the table. We heard a knock on the door and me,asche,peirce, and rhys looked at the door, the door opened and there was a knight "could asche and noi please come with me to the meeting table?" He said while bowing, me and asche looked at eachother nervously are we in trouble?? I thought nervously. We both got up and went with the gaurd. Walking back into the meeting room where king artimust and lady grandma were waiting.
"U-uhmm what did you need us for lady grandma?" I asked nervously putting my hand at the back of my neck.
"We need your help, your powers may help us for what we are going to do." Lady grandma said seriously, with her hands holding eachother.

"What do you need help with?" Asche said annoyingly crossing his arms while looking at her.

"We need your help  with what Rhys and Peirce found earlier" lady grandma said to him nonchalantly.  He perked up at this

"Sooo what do you guys need us to do for this? We both have almost familiar powers so do we need alot of heat for this?"i said to her and king artimust who seemed surprised i figured it out so fast.

King artimust coughed before speaking "yes. So the plan for us is to see how heat will effect the liquid. If thats Avas powers then we just might be able to get it back." He said looking back at lady grandma and us basically guessing to see if he put it the right way.

"Theres only one thing though. " i said to them, they all stared at me
"What is it noi?" Asche asked

"I don't have my powers anymore, remember?"


Rhys POV~
Me and peirce saw noi and asche walk out of the room, we were bored and tired, we asked the guards if they wanted to play cards with us because they looked bored too, they said yea so weve just been playing cards. Peirce has won 3 games, ive won once, and the guards suck because they have never played. "Why are you guys winning?!" Said one of the girl gaurds "Yea man go easier, teach us how to play!" Said the man. Peirce replied before me. "Ive explained it 4 times. You just ask someone if they have the same card as you do, and if they dont yell goldfi-" peirce got interrupted by a huge slam off the table down the hall, Where Asche and Noi where.

Asches pov~
The King slammed his hand on the table "What do you mean you dont.. have powers?! How do you have no powers?!" Screamed the king.
"I-I... I don't know- I had to use it on a spell!" Noi cried nervously. "AND WHAT TYPE OF SPELL WOULD TAKE AWAY YOUR POWERS?!" cried the king. "I-i..-" "to get to another dimension." Said lady grandma cutting into the convo calmly (like the queen she is ofc) " i had to get them to earth to try and find a more powerful world, but the real plan was to find ava, rhys knew about it, i remindedhim just before he went through the portal"
"Ok. Where IS earth exactly?" Said the king cautiously. I was confused on why he needed to know where. But i guess ill find out. "About... in the milky way galaxy 35,000 light years away. Why?" Said grandma confused.
"If she traveled 35,000 light years away, and shes not a demon anymore.. she mightve got transcribed into a loop hole by the old kings, asches dads, ghost snake servants." Said the king. Could ava really be in a loop hole? What is a loop hole anyways? Ill have to talk to rhys about this. Maybe he will know. I thought to myself.
"Lets all just go to bed for tonight and take up what we discovered with Rhys and Peirce. They might have a clue about what it is that got ava into the loop hole snd try to get it out." Said lady grandma.

Later on me and noi went back to the library to get everyone and tell them we need to rest here for the night. They all understood and went to go find rooms.

Its gonna be awhile before we get ava back.

I AM SOOO SORRY for not updating sooner 😰😰 its been hard for me bcz i got a new phone and basically forgot wattpad sorry😭 also school started so i havent gotten a xhnace to write, i will definitely be updating more tho again, so sorry again!!

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