~part 7~

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Hey I finally have time to write this? Wowwww!!!😯😯
Sorry it's been a while guys!! Also this story took almost 5 weeks because of a video and pictures I drew~~ but I used a reference for the video so if u reconise it plz dont say I didnt credit bc I did at the end ♡ hope u enjoy!

Nobodys POV~
After seemed like months gene was ready to fight queen ava, this was going to be a brutal fight between them,

After 7 months everybody forgot about ava except for gene, one day everyone was out and the second gene and lady grandma walked out In a blink of an eye everything went white and then there eyes adjusted and saw everyone dead, the whole village had a shot in the head. And gene knew, it was time to prepare for war.
As he and lady grandma started running inside, they wondered what was laying on the floor, they stopped and realised.... it was a bunch of dead soldiers on the inside of the castle too! "how could this have happened!?" Gene said in rage but still quietly so nobody heard them, "I dont know my child but, let's get to the armery room straight away!" So then They both started running as quick as they could to the warrior room, they knew it was the only place where there would be guards who stayed alive, and to no surprise they did, it was in a hidden place nobody could see anyway?
They ran in and got there guard suits on as quickly as they could, then they went to the only room they could think of going, the throne room
As they were running they still kept seeing all the bloody dead bodies, laying there bleeding out, makeing the inside of the hallway look like a bloody mess, the walls were damaged and some gairds still had the arrow stuck in them, but still against the wall off the floor, *how could this have happened so quick? How did they get in? What's happening* gene had so many questions while running to the throne room, when they got there, they saw Queen ava on the throne sitting with her legs crossed and looking at us with an evil grin.

Gene's POV~
I couldnt believe what I was seeing, it was queen ava... on my throne. I was so angry, "well, well, well, you guys finally made it" she said smirking. " LIKE HELL WE DID" I said screaming at her, I was so mad, how could I have let this happen, my friends and comrades, the village, they were all dead. "Well gene, I guess you just werent paying attention, although that wouldn't be surprising, I mean, you've let it happen before, and that time you couldnt save her, you couldn't even save your love" ava said with a sarcastic pout face, I couldnt stand it.

Lady grandmas pov~.
We were staring at hell's gate right infront of us, I looked at gene and I could tell he was trying so hard not to kill her there, right there on his throne .

Nobodys pov~,
Gene was getting ready to kill her, he was just waiting for the perfect time, until ava automatically dissapeared, "were the hell did she go!?" Gene said yelling in confusion, just then she appeared behind him and stabbed him in the leg and then hit his neck.

Gene's pov~
My eyesight went blurry, and I felt my leg get cut, how? What was happening,? I heard my mom scream, but I dont remeber hitting the ground, what's happening? I felt my head smash against the floor and just then j saw white...

Lady grandmas pov~
(also shes obv younger in this like in her 40s so that's why shes more athletic and stuff)

Out of nowhere ava showed up and hit and slashed gene, "GENE!!" I screamed, he went onto his knees and then blacked out and hit the floor, I took out my sword and tried slashing ava but she dodged perfectly and hit her sword with mine, "you'll pay for all this damage you-" I was saying until she interrupted me, "oh shush you spoiled queen" and then she unattached her sword and tried slashing my stomach, until I turned and dodged it and turned behind her and kicked her back, and then she fell on the ground ,she got up and picked up her sword and all of a sudden she turned around and had white eyes and a wide evil smile, like something was controlling her, and her fists were clenched around her sword. (picture below)

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