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This is what has been happening with ava outside of the guy's povs.

Avas pov•

I felt warmness, i knew i was definitely dying but there was this tingling feeling in my stomach, telling me to stay alive, so, ive been trying to, but at this point i really want to sleep. Ive been holding my face and ribs with a ripped cloth from my sweater, how long have i been in here again? A week? I hope the time zone isnt messed up or anything... i hope the guy's are atleast a tiny bit worried but i bet they arent... i miss my dads... i somehow miss lorelies calls in the morning, i couldnt stand it.. NO i cannot think like this! I cant think of my whole life flashbacks until when i die, amd im certainly NOT dying today!

I fell asleep. Goddammit. Ill problaby die.

What felt like a few seconds of sleeping i woke up, my body felt like i only slept for a few seconds, but i knew i was asleep for atleast 5 hours.

A few minutes passed already, maybe 10. Ive just been looking up, since it looks the same everywere. All of a sudden i felt somerhing grab my wrist and pull it away from my ribs.
"E-EH?! OW- irene what...?" I looked to my left and saw a vine. It looked once again purple, but with white golden hot liquid, i couldnt move so how the hell will i escape?

It grabbed my arm and swung me into an invisible wall, "AGH-" and then it flew me up into the air, i was atleast 10-15 feet up into the air when i fell onto my stomach and chest when i instantly hot the ground
Then it grabbed my foot while i was on the ground and into this purplely pink portal. Colour of the nether portal just to let yall know
I flew in and hit the griujd, when i hit the ground i flew up again and started rolling on the ground hitting it flying in fast, i hit a tree branch. "ECK-" i felt blood escape my mouth the second i hit the tree, and some bones in my ribs cracking. My heart was racing, i was bleeding more and more and the ground below me was ice cold and looked like a cherry slushie because of me. I felt the vine grab both my arms and slowly and carefully wip the other ones that flew me in here, and slowly brought me into a bush. I remeber feeling pricks in my skin and little dots of blood but i was to tired and fell asleep in the vines and bush.

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