part 21

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Avas pov~
Me and leif laid on the grass until sunrise. It was nice, we joked around to clear the air alot. And the sunset was nice but we needed a place to stay.

"Lets look around for some logs or sticks to make a tiny hut" leif says standing up helping me up in the process. "Ok yeah we should do that, let's do it quickly before it's completely dark." I say wiping the dirt off my butt.

We walk together in the forest looking for any sticks or logs and we found some from a storm sight. I guess the climate is crazy here, whole tree fell down.

Me and leif started picking up the sticks and tiny logs that we could and I could feel his gaze on me "What is it?" I say sarcastically looking at him. He looks calm but there's a certain gaze in him "you look good as a daemo that's all" He says chuckling going back to picking up sticks.

I nod and turned back. Until a certain thought passed my mind "hey leif?" I said turning my head to him, my voice shaky "yeah?" He says casually. "Do you.. remember getting here? Or what happend before you got here? I know you explained bur I was wondering if u remembered before or just before coming here." I say setting my logs down near a tree

Leif looks at me ad does almost the same, he sets the small sticks down and starts to get the tiny logs into a hut. "I mean.. I guess? It's hazy, but I remeber meeting asches dad and he did something to me, and then I was really, really sleepy. I slept on rhys when we went to this guy's castle looking for you" he says getting the logs into position " I remember  going to sleep one more time and woke up on that tree, why? How did you get here?" He says looking at me kneeling down to start getting my logs.

"Almost the same i think? I mean I was chained to that throne but you guslys couldn't actually see me, and then I remeber being in a void area and then asches dad getting really mad at me? And then I was thrown into that bush after being thrown around like a damn ragdoll" I said rolling up my knees up to my chest. "Are you okay?" Leif asks after tying up the hut above us with string from his clothes. "Yeah, I guess so. Thank you again" I say yawning.

The hut looked pretty stable for tonight, it was just the stickes attaching to both trees beside eachother for a roof and the some sticks holding it up.

"Its alright, get some rest I'll watch out for tonight okay?" He says kneeling down beside me and putting me head on his shoulder.

And I fell asleep from there.

Asches pov~
It was the next day since that weird thing from leif. Rhys and Peirce left with lady grandma to get a faction of that white and purple substance for research. And me and noi were helping lady grandmas friend with weapons and science things to help find clues.

"What is this thing again? Looks stupid" I say holding up this goggle thing with loads on wires on it.

"Oh that's a heat finder goggles, apparently it can sense heat so if a missing person is somwere u can find their heat waves from there body or something? It's so old, apparently one of the oldest queens blacksmith/science nerds made it. Dudes name was kenmur?" Lady grandmas friend said. "Right...?" I said giving her the 'tell me your name again sorry' look she just shook her head with a smile.

"Lady Delphine haha" she said grabbing the goggles and putting them into a box "you can just call me Delphine though, no need for royal treatment she said looking at us, me and noi nodded and started looking around again.

"So la- Delphine..  how did you and lady grandma meet?" Noi asked curiously up at her, I looked at her too.

"Well, we went to magic academy together and we had the same lousy homeroom, and we were paired up for a companion against our other homeroom class. And we had to use our skills to beat them. So I built a heat sword and winged boots, while Arina fought in them. And the people we fought were actually the rest of the group funnily." She said smiling down looking at what I would presume was said boots. They looked sick.

"Anyways after the tournament we all got drinks from the same bar and talked to eachother about our abilities and even though none of us had anything in common, we all became friends and fought together in quests. Or we would go on adventures if royalty was getting to much. But we stopped talking for quite some time sadly. It's nice to see them again" she said looking back up at us with a smile.
She threw us some hand gloves and goggles

"Now let's get building to some sick weapons!" She says walking off into a room. Me and noi following her.

Oh yeah. This is going to be sick.

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