a/n what the quirk will evolve to

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previous quirk: seven deadly sins.

quirk evolves to be: sin and commandment.

you keep the seven deadly sins, but gain the ten commandments, each with a unique curse.

truth- opponent mustn't lie in your presence, you cannot lie either, breaking this petrifies the person who broke it for a day.

piety- your opponent cannot turn their back on you, breaking this is like shinso's brainwashing, but only you can dismiss them, they will commit felonies in your name, and even do crimes that most wouldn't do.

faith- people must keep their faith in what they believe in, anyone who shows a lack of faith, will have their eyes burned out, and become blind.

pacifism- people cannot kill in your presence, Anyone who kills will rapidly have their own time stolen away, quickly aging to the point of retirement.

love- people cannot harbour hate in your presence, if they do they lose the ability to fight or cause harm.

selflessness- anyone who has a selfish reason, will no longer remember anything from their past, it would be like they have amnesia 

reticence- anyone who speaks secrets, or hidden feelings will not be able to say them, their voice will go, they become mute until the effect wears off.

Patience- if one doesn't show patience in your presence, they will lose the ability to move or act, forcing them to wait, quirks are also nullified during this time.

repose- those that lash out in rage or anger, are given visions of what they would have caused, every action that happens as a reaction to their acts.

purity- if any person holds impure thoughts, dresses impurely, or speaks impurely, will be overcome with desires, and left unable to fight to try and absolve them, reoffending leads to them having a pure personality installed into them, and seeing an object of desire leaves them to be encased in desire and lose themselves in it.

how it awakens: when the heroes attempt to capture shigiraki, it triggers flashbacks, that make you, unleash the power, of the commandment of love and the commandment of pacifism.

you then unlock purity against midnight.

reticence when forced to drink a truth potion.

faith when you have a choice, stay with shigiraki or abandon faith and leave her.

you unlock piety when you go shopping in disguise.

truth when you call out a lying hero.

repose and patience when the yakusa attack.

and selflessness when you save eri from being attacked by a hero.

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