Part 2

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Bakugou's pov.

Katsumi: where are we?

Satō: that's one of four awake, and it's the one that has a superiority complex, what luck, I was hoping to break that cocky attitude of yours, but I wonder what will break first, your spirit, or your body?

Fumuki used dark shadow with bakugou's sweat to make multiple explosions around satō.

Satō: ah, theatricality and deception, powerful allies on the uninitiated, but I am initiated, an ex-member of the league of shadows.

Sakura: the league of shadows? What are they?

Satō: I may not be in the league, but I don't talk about it, only the legend of ra's al ghul, the immortal man of mystery.

Hands: satō, you never told us anything about being in a cult.

Satō: it wasn't really a cult, More of a rebellion, from the female supremacist society, besides I left after hearing their goals, reset society and start over, it only leads to an endless loop, that was something, i couldn't agree with, so they throw me into a pit, I was seven, and I climbed up from the depth when I was 13.

This shocked the girls, even all for one, who was listening in on everything.

Satō: now, if you excuse me, I have an operating table, with my name on it.

Fumuki: you don't seem ill, physically.

Satō: helps when you can't die.

This was confusing to the three, everyone can die, but Satō doesn't fear death, he spoke matter-of-factly.

Fumuki: wait, the way you said that, your an ajin, aren't you?

Satō: the very first confirmed case since the supposed ajin extinction, but it wasn't put on the news.


Satō: temper, temper, katsumi bakugou, that's not how to talk to someone.

Sakura: ...

Satō: as for you, Sakura, imagine what your mother would think, bested by a boy, she'd probably do something worse, than that scare on your face, so why get to number one without fire, when you can spite her more as a villain, think about it, I'll give you time to make a decision.

After he finishes satō leaves, and after a few hours, they hear a saw buzzing, the sounds of bones being cut, organs removed, over and over again, after every 4 seconds it starts again, repeating.

The next day satō enters the room, he seems fine, but things were different about him, he seemed to be quiet, until he breaks his silence.

Satō: you get use to it, eventually, trust me, I'm the one they cut open, and it use to hurt like hell, but after six days, it stopped hurting, and ever since then they have been decreasing the painkillers.

Sakura: does it hurt? Knowing that heroes like endeavour exist.

Satō: it hurts, but what hurts more, is the praise she gets, for doing the things she does, *holds up a file* if you don't want to join, here is all the evidence you need, if you want to sue her, you'll find everything, from the abuse, harassment, even that she killed a few people.

This shocked all the girls, a hero killed, that's not right.

Satō: most of her victims are guys, but there are a few girls, *places file on the table next to Sakura, and uncuffs her fire side* feel free to see for yourself.

Satō sits on the other side of a table, kinda like an interrogation, he seemed calmer that anticipated.

Satō: in fact, she hurt a bunch of people, three were ajin, but they recovered and claimed abuse, the police spat on the two and they left worse than before, the third was a girl, the police said they couldn't help, it's fitting, most heroes are sexist, and yet, I was saved from my unrelenting hatred, by the very people, heroes seek to eradicate.

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