Part 12 🍋

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In the abandoned school.

Izuka: so, why are you so happy?

(Y/N): come this time tomorrow, that dress code law will be gone, and guys will have equal rights.

Izuka: *kisses (Y/N)* that's incredible, senpai.


(Y/N): *kisses izuka back, and pins her to a locker* tell me, does this make you feel hot under the coller?

Izuka: yes, please, continue.

(Y/N): *grabs her chest* as you wish, sweetheart. *squeezes rhythmically*

Izuka: *moan* please, ruin me for any guy, I'm yours.

(Y/N): but if you get pregnant, you won't be prepared for it.

Izuka: I'm on the pill, *presses hips against yours* so it's fair gain.

(Y/N): then let's get into this, *moves izuka's undies to allow access*

Izuka: *moan* your touch is getting me horny.

(Y/N): I'll only enter if your ok with it.

Izuka: I want it, no, I need it, so go right ahead, make me burst.

With that you slowly enter, stopping so she can adjust to you.

Izuka: senpai, your so gentle, but so strong, please, don't hold back with me.

(Y/N): are you ready sweetheart, because I'm going to start, making you feel good now.

And so you pull out, but stop near the edge, and go full force back in, izuka forced herself, to press her hips against yours, you repeatedly go in and out, but you pick up the pace.

Izuka: *moan* darling, *moan* I'm gonna, ahhh, darling, *moan* (Y/N), *moan* daddy!

Eventually she releases the third time, now her brain is mush, she can't think straight, her thoughts clouded by her lust.

Izuka: *moaning in between words* daddy, harder, I want you to make my body numb, I'm so horny for you.

You both burst at the same time, and izuka is only being able to be upright because you were holding her and pinned her to a locker.


Izuka: shoo gooood.

(Y/N): let's get you home, sweetheart.

Upon returning to the dorms, and laying izuka on her bed as ban, then closed and locked the door, and reverted back to normal, to see a new mark.

Picture up top no black mark, you don't have the bear or snake marks either.

(Y/N): let's see, wrath, check, pride, check, greed, check, gluttony, check, what's this, *realises* lust, check, only sloth and envy to go.

Izuka: *wakes up, and grabs her ring box* hey, can we talk?

(Y/N): sure, what is it?

Izuka: will you be my fiancé?

(Y/N): sure, after all, I have to take responsibility for my actions, how are you feeling down there?

Izuka: it burns, but not from pain or friction, from lust.

Izuka hands you a ring box, it was a ring saying 'izuka's senpai, (I)n.' And it was an engagement ring.

So you head into the common area, as ban and see Mina.

Mina: yo ban, what is that?

Ban: it belongs to izuka, she asked me to give it to her senpai, when I see him next time.

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