Part 13

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After three weeks, ochaco, Mina and minette have been reduced by lust, into being nothing but slaves to their own lust.

they were let go, dropped off in UA, the heroes eventually found the LOV's base, let's go to that, izuka has moved back into her old place after hearing news that inko died from a car crash, deemed an accident. (can't blame anyone for it due to it could happen.)

all might smashes through the wall, and kamui woods binds them all.

memories flash through your mind.


you were getting beaten by heroes.

wind back.

your mother and her friends used you for their fill.

wind forward.

you were thrown into the pit.

wind forward.

you were beaten to a pulp by your mother.

flashback ends.

(Y/N): daga Kotowaru!

kamui: *gets hateful, all of a sudden her binding attack disengaged* what?

(Y/N): i must thank you, you heroes helped my power evolve to stage three.

all the heroes got hateful, all of a sudden couldn't clench their fists.

(Y/N): this is one of the newer powers, the commandment of love, anybody who harbours hatred in their heart, will lose the ability to inflict pain onto others.

grand torino: *kills (Y/N)* i don't hate people, i just get irritated.

(Y/N): good luck fighting, old man. *dies only to come back*

grand torino: *get's aged to the point of retirement* how, i was old before, now i can't do things i use to.

(Y/N): the second ability, and one that requires a trigger, the commandment of pacifism, if anyone kills in my presence, they will age until they are to old to continue, forcing retirement.

after a while, all might and all for one get into a fight, all might goes to use the united states of smash, only to have someone jump in the way of the blow.

all might: oh on.

(Y/N): *getting up despite injuries* sensei, take the others and get clear, I've got a lot of power to send back.

all for one does so, granting you the chance.

(Y/N): this is the ultimate move of wrath, Revenge Counter! *swings sword after getting close to all might*

with that all might get's sent flying into a building, and the attack was so powerful, it fixed the injury she had, and knocked her out cold.

(Y/N): Yatta yo, sensei. *passes out and falls into a portal kurogiri made*

AFO: that you did, I'm thankful, you truly are the greatest ally tomura will have.

it takes three weeks, but you awaken.

(Y/N): damn, that fight took it out of me, i must have passed out, who long was i out?

shigiraki: you idiot, why did you do it? i thought i would have lost you, you've been out for three weeks, damnit, don't do that again.

(Y/N): ok, I'll put the revenge counter as a last resort.

mustard: i must admit, while the doctor was bandaging your wound, we all saw your muscles.

muscular: that body looks good, why i wouldn't mind lewding myself over you now.

(Y/N): *spots the mark on your left leg* only one mark left, seems only envy remains, let me try something. *starts to levitate and moves about levitating*

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