Quirk update

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Was: mirrored offensive.

Now: seven sins.

Description: this quirk causes a permanent mark to appear on the user, when they fill the requirements of a sin, you can change forms or just use the powers, you also get the weapons.

wrath: to bare a lot of anger and fight, but happened before the killshot kill, grants all of meliodas's powers and forms.

Pride: to be confident (or overconfident) In the powers the user has, and slightly boast, they become stronger as the sun rises, being their strongest at noon, also grants escanor's powers and forms. 

Gluttony: entertaining a state of megalomania, grants all of merlins powers and forms.

Sloth: sleep more than the recommendation of eight, grants all of king's powers and forms.

(You enter a coma after brawling with all-might.)

Greed: slight temporary focus on money, grants ban's powers.

Lust: seduce one person at least, at most make them feel lust, grants all of gowther's powers.

Envy: be jealous of one person, grants all of diane's powers and her size changing ability.

(You pick one person for you to unlock lust, you envy eri when I'm the overhaul ark.)

will evolve/update again later.

votes for lov targets are: toga, Dabi, shigiraki, AFO, kurogiri, Twice, Mrs. compress, muscular, mustard, harley.

Votes for UA teachers: all but nezumi.

votes for pro heroes: any but endeavour and hawks.

Votes for UA students: no monoma.

Votes for other villians: Queen bee, zookeeper, Chitose, la brava.

Votes for police: monika Kaniyashiki.

Votes for vigilanties: Pop☆Step.

due date: February 15th 2021.

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