Part 1

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You stop the footage, and edit it in a cyber cafe, and post it to one of katsumi's friends.

They posted it and got arrested, only for the video to appear on every social media platform, the news even used it to ask if this Satō can actually pull through on his word, and after a few days 36 people died, Kōji Tanaka was missing, and a new video was posted.

Satō: as you can see, I'm a man of my word, for those that don't know, i am Satō, a new Villain with a reasonable body count, and I am a member of a league that share similar ideals, and unlike the heroes, we don't discriminate, and I am sending out this invite, to all those that have been treated badly, and all those aspiring villains, meet at the location linked to this video, i hope your ready to meet the reaper heroes, because compared to him, the only ways you'll leave from fighting me, are being a coward, in a body bag, with big injuries, or because I let you.

After the recording, and returning back into the base.

Shigiraki: I don't know, if I should be happy or terrified?

Kurogiri: the young master finally wore formal clothes.

(Y/N): kurogiri, that's my costume for on camera, my villain costume is combat orientated, and there is a reason for the dyes, shigiraki, if I go out with white hair and red eyes, people will link me to Satō, while if I put in contacts and had removable dye, my hair can switch between white and black, allowing me to hide in plane sight, and by wearing contacts, nobody knows it's me, I also have my eyes squinted to the point that it looks closed, but I can see, so no hero sees my real eyes, it's fool proof.

After that and some training with the nomu's.

(Y/N): remember to do the weights and exercises every two days.

The nomu's nod.

Shigiraki: so how was the workout? *sees him topless and blushes*

(Y/N): *looks at shigiraki* sorry boss, I'll put a shirt on, but it was good, All the nomu's are getting faster, and stronger, I almost got knocked out four times, so that's an improvement for them.

Kurogiri: mistress, the nomu's are showing higher levels of physical prowess.

While kurogiri is saying this shigiraki is blushing and cannot look at (Y/N).

Shigiraki: kurogiri, tell Satō to put a shirt on, it's too distracting.

Kurogiri: *looks to see (Y/N)'s abs* oh my, young master, please put a shirt on.

(Y/N): sure, *puts a shirt on* is that better?

So your stats if in fallout are like this:

Strength: 11

Perception: 10

Endurance: 12

Charisma: 10

Intelligence: 13

Agility: 11

Luck: 8

You have gone from six pack to ten pack.

And you had asked Kōji to watch out for ajin there and tell them to bring everyone to the location you set.

When they show up in the next location.

(Y/N): sorry for the inconvenience, *walks out of the shadows, in his villain costume* as you all are aware, I am Satō...

Villain: prove it, your weak.

(Y/N): a tough girl act doesn't work if your opponent has combat training, and I could knock you out without moving.

(Y/N)'s Ibm punches the Villain across the face knocking her out.

(Y/N): *emotionless face* now, I am going to continue, no more interruptions, as I said before I am satō, and this is Kōji Tanaka, as a few of you are aware, I am an ajin, and I will prove it.

(Y/N) takes out a knife, and cuts his jugular vein, killing him, only for him to get back up, a few seconds later.

(Y/N): now, I have a plan to bring both genders to equals...

Villain 2: and what would that be? Protests? Bribery?

(Y/N): genocide, unless they can negotiate, and my terms are fixed.

(Y/N): so who's in?

Gen: I'm in.

Takahashi: same.

Some villains: this is bs.

(Y/N): you prideful types, do you expect to get anywhere, without fighting, because petty criminals like you lot, think far to small, why rob a bank, when you could raid Fort Knox, or the federal reserve, why kill a defenceless person, when you can massacre heroes by the hundreds, why strike it solo, and leave your family with nothing, when you could give them the luxury life, the kind of life celebrates and heroes get, while your breaking your back, for 0.45 each day, that's under one cent.

(Y/N): but if you think big, and do everything I said, the barking dog becomes the rampaging elephant, every Whoopee Cushion, a land mine, every joker, a king, think of the wealth, and acknowledgement, you get for going big, simple salaries, become mere chump change, the league has enough money, to get us all guns, and not just pocket pistols, oh no, I'm talking RPG's, automatics, sniper rifles, even shotguns, and ammunition isn't a problem.

After that everyone was down, other than a few sentimental villains, innocents and Ajins, we let them go, besides, its easier to let them blab and try to show the authorities our base, but it wasn't.

(Y/N): kurogiri, I got plenty more people with me, open our exfil.

So they all head to the preparation room, the villains trained were well fed, their families got money sent in the post every week, tanaka is a bad shot, and it became a running joke, but I did point out to him, he is slowly getting closer to his targets.

Then the day came, we would be raiding the heroes USJ facility, thus crippling them.

Bakugou's pov.

Sera: wow they even have fake villains for us to fight.

Sensei: they aren't fake villains, and is that Satō.

Round face: as in that villain satō, the one who burned down a house, and killed 36 people that were confirmable.

???: we are the league of villains, and we are here to fight all might, where is she, she is supposed to be here.

Satō: don't worry, darling, we can still make her quit, *looks at deku* there she is, the successor of all might, and generic hero 20451, *looking at the girl with a hand over her face.* 

Sato: if you erase her successor, she will have to find another, and even then, that takes time, she will be easy pickings once it's over, she might even retire, which leaves sensei uncontested.

Handy girl: your right, if she isn't here, we'll just have to kill her students.

Satō: or capture them and break their will, depends, on how much blood you want to spill, *turns to face the villains* ok, now listen up, to make it interesting.

Sato: I'll be scoring every action, get caught or beaten, your points go to zero, you assist a fellow villain in taking one hero down, you earn 10 points, knocking out and capturing a hero earns you 25 points, and kills earn you 50 points, the highest scoring will be the MVP and get to meet my bosses sensei, do I make myself clear.

Villains: yeah!

Satō: and like any game have fun, get creative with your methods, and don't be afraid to use underhanded tactics to come out on top.

After a while all might showed up and the nomu lost, but all might got shot in the leg.

Satō: I must admit, while your physical prowess is impressive all might, your still human, and therefore, your skin isn't bulletproof, that injury will take a while to heal, now I must thank you, you made it so much more fun, so I'll tell you this one thing, you do have a traitor in your prized class, now if you excuse me, *shoots a flare* there we go, also I think it's time to go darling.

Hands: couldn't agree more.

With that the villains escaped, only four heroes were caught, Sakura todoroki, Daichi kaminari, katsumi bakugou And fumuki tokoyami.

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