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(Y/N) is a male, only women have active quirks, but due to they need the other half, to continue having a next generation, the males are forced into prostitution, bound to a wall by chains, cuffs and tight fitting ropes, a girl pays, and for the amount of time she pays for, she gets to do anything to the guy, abuse, degrade, even rape him, no male has a say, in what they want to do, used like meat, or breeding stock, when a guy gets a job, they are paid below minimum wage, where as a girl doing the same job, gets paid 10 times more, than their counterparts, so girls have the higher jobs, a full female government, hero system, CEO's every job at the top is female ruled, where males are either, unpaid prostitutes, or over worked, and grossly underpaid, interns and workers.

His mother is abusive and forces (Y/N) to do all the chores, (Y/N)'s sister boasts about her 'amazing quirk' which she cannot even control properly, and whenever she breaks something with her quirk, she blames it on her brother, she's a spoiled brat.

At school (Y/N) is bullied by the majority of the people at school, the only ones not bullying him being izuka (fem izuku) and the boys in school.

One day on the way home, (Y/N) sees a car speeding towards izuka, so he rushes and pushes the girl out of the way of the car, and smiles at her kindly, before the car rams into him, and he would die, for the first time he can remember, in those four seconds, he was trapped, in a unmoving body, fully aware, fully conscious, in unbearable pain, he tried calling out, but nothing happened.

???: Is that the boy that was in our class?

???2: kitsumi, (fem bakugou) what should we do.

Kitsumi: that was on you extra, but who cares, he's a boy.

That was the straw that broke the camels back, as (Y/N) was getting up onto his feet, everyone was looking in fear, no human has ever done that.

(Y/N): screw you, bakugou katsumi, I'm still alive, and i refuse to accept dying. (What is this black stuff, I feel...powerful, almost like I can't die.)

Katsumi: what did you say, extra?

(Y/N): I said 'screw you, I refuse to die.'

Right then katsumi rushed at (Y/N), only to be hit by an invisible object, sending her to land at the side of the car.

(Y/N): interesting, so I had a guardian angel all this time, but only now does it do anything.

With that (Y/N) walked away, pulled out a laptop he had earned the money for, he also had a guitar he earned, on the laptop he legally changed his name to Samuel T. O'Brien, he was always indifferent about everything, he plucked wings off of wasps for motor, moving to defanging snakes, and so on, until he had superhuman reflexes, during his break and lunch periods, he worked out and eat very little, due to his mother and sister, never gave him food, the two family members hogged every scrap, sometimes eating (Y/N)'s portions.

(Y/N) had a six pack, and was very well balanced in stamina, endurance, perception and intelligence, but your charisma and luck are low, to contrast that your strength is high.

After the name change, (Y/N) walked avoiding cameras, and after almost getting caught on camera, walks into a warp gate, arriving in a bar.

(Y/N): so, I was teleported, interesting, *looks at shigiraki* I'm guessing that you, or someone you work for, wanted to see me.

Shigiraki: follow me.

After arriving at all for one's room, shigiraki says they were there, (Y/N) was heading in, and gave shigiraki a thumbs up before entering.

After entering, (Y/N) notices the aura of death, that he knows, but he isn't afraid of it.

All for one: we've been watching you for a long time (Y/N), tell me do you believe in fate

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