part 14

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after practicing, you see izuka and her classmates, but they don't see you, so you make a cloak, walk past them, without being given any notice.

after a few missions for the league, you were sent as a spy for the LOV.

luckily you managed to find a way, to mass produce them from a single droplet, but you didn't tell them anything.

after a while some goon got caught and ended up giving up the location.

(Y/N): this will be fun, i wonder, will overhaul find a way to keep eri, maybe the heroes will catch on and save her, or maybe something else will happen.

toga: any news.

(Y/N): toga, twice, prepare for what is to come, try not to get caught in the chaos or by heroes.

toga: heroes?

(Y/N): I've been looking into the futures, only a few outcomes, do the heroes win the conflict, but in one of those outcomes, Eri lands somewhere else.

twice: what's with the venom?

(Y/N): i didn't notice, but i guess, it's a case of Eri is getting help from heroes, while all i got was beatings, rape and torture, why does she get to be helped, while people like us get ostracised, for things we have no control over.

after a while we prepared for what's to come, after the heroes broke in, the place became a labyrinth, eventually the heroes found you.

(Y/N): so you showed up, right on time, too.

mic: what is sato doing here?

(Y/N): the LOV made a truce, but i believe that truce is over, but before i leave and let you continue on your way, let me entertain you with a bit of a song i know.

some of the heroes got antsy.

(Y/N): it's just a song, nothing harmful, i'll only attack if I'm attacked first.

aizawa: fine, get it over with.

(A/N we changed the costume to show each mark, you gained the serpent mark.)

(play song at top.)

No time for rest,
No pillow for my head,
Nowhere to run from this,
No way to forget.

Around the shadows creep,
Like friends, they cover me,
Just wanna lay me down and finally,
Try to get some sleep.

We carry on through the storm,
Tired soldiers in this war,
Remember what we're fighting for.

Meet me on the battlefield,
Even on the darkest night,
I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage,
And you will be mine,
Echos of the shots ring out,
We may be the first to fall,
Everything can stay the same or we could change it all,
Meet me on the battlefield.

We're standing face-to-face,
With our own human race,
We commit the sins again, and our sons and daughters pay,
Our tainted history,
Is playing on repeat,
But we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead.

When I was younger, I was named,
A generation unafraid,
For heirs to come, be brave.

And meet me on the battlefield,
Even on the darkest night,
I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage,
And you will be mine,
Echos of the shots ring out,
We may be the first to fall,
Everything can stay the same or we could change it all,
Meet me on the battlefield.

We carry on through the storm,
Tired soldiers in this war,
Remember what we're fighting for.

Meet me on the battlefield,
Even on the darkest night,
I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage,
And you will be mine,
Echos of the shots ring out,
We may be the first to fall,
Everything could stay the same or we could change it all,
(We can change it all)
Meet me on the battlefield.

Meet me on the battlefield.
(We could change it all)

once you finish you teleport to a room, where you predict overhaul will be in eventually.

overhaul: what are you doing here?

(Y/N): i tried to warn you, that you shouldn't trust your subordinates, but due to you didn't listen, this happened, be glad I'm here at all, i could have left the scene, let you get caught, once they do that, eri would be all theirs, times ticking, do you want help or not?

Overhaul: your useless.

(Y/N): that's where you and shigiraki differ, i bought you time, but in your case, you don't know, that i could have warned you about this, or that i could be more than useless, where shigi, she knows, in fact, I'm second strongest in the league, the z class villain: sato.

(Y/N): do you want to know the funny thing, it's an anagram, for the legal name i go by, Samuel T O'Brien.

Overhaul: how come the heroes haven't worked that out?

(Y/N): simple, they don't know it's an anagram, therefore, my secret is well kept, you know, you might have the power the league needed, but oh well, in the end, it's a chance we tried and failed.

Overhaul then battles mira, who loses her quirk, but you use absolute cancel, to shut overhauls quirk off, the two fight leaving overhaul knocked out, then you trap both of them in perfect cubes.

heroes arrive.

(Y/N): *floats up and makes the cubes follow, then stop above him* welcome heroes, now i would like to see what you choose, the leader of the precepts of death, or a hero who lost his quirk, choose who you take, or you could pick Eri, i take them both with me.

nighteye: how dare you?

(Y/N): now, now, I'm a man of my word, i promise you'll get one of them, i mean to be true to my word, also unless you want those two to be trapped, until my quirk comes back, don't try it, aizawa.

izuka: sato, stop.

(Y/N): izuka, this is a test, will they choose their ally, their target, or the one person they came to save?

nighteye: well take all three.

(Y/N): not possible, if you did, I'd take over all the hero schools, shatter the integrity of your 'perfect society', think of the headlines, heroes no more, hero schools taken over by a sinner.

(Y/N): so it's your own, your image, or the life of an impressionable little angel? so are you willing to lose your own, to save one girls future, save your image or maybe you'll forsake them both, for a fellow hero, if you wish to choose, meet me at degobah beach, the choice is all yours.

with that you, the perfect cubes and eri vanish.

after a few days you managed, to not only teach eri all she needed to know, you had used a song, to calm her down, demons by imagine dragons.

eri loved it, it was her favourite.

that very day on the beach, a hero came along, you had overhaul, mira and eri with you.

hero: there you are, you horned little brat, *walkes up to eri* if it wasn't for you, my friend would be alive.

(Y/N): your blaming the wrong person, if your friend mattered so much to you, why were you not there to help her? why out of all the options, did you refuse to support your girl?

hero: stay out of this sato, and you *goes to slap eri out of anger, only to be blocked* why are you defending her.

(Y/N): the commandment of repose compels you, so how does it feel, to be as harmless as a butterfly?

hero: *loses the ability to harm anyone* what, *tries to slap eri only for nothing to happen* what did you do?

(Y/N): it's more what you did that, it triggered one of my powers, that anger will be the very thing, that kills you, i am reposed, so i don't let anger control me.

after a while, you realised people were losing memories, it was selfishness, meaning your quirk activated selflessness, thankfully most heroes are selfish.

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