Part 15

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on the way back, i decide to teleport eri and the cubes to the base, while i go and recapture our old one, that's when a set heroin interrupts.

midnight: there you are? you've been a bad boy?

(Y/N): so, what if i have, I've been the bad child for a long time, now i am all of me.

midnight: oh, really?

(Y/N): to be honest with you on this, it's quite freeing, no expectations, no discrimination, no pity, just me living my own life, as free as i want, so what if it's illegal, any sane person, would've taken the beatings, but once it gets to that level, people would act.

midnight: i bet something else needs freeing.

(Y/N): no, you are not having it, that is repulsive.

midnight: *starts running, only to fall onto her knees, a moaning mess.*

(Y/N): you awakened the commandment of purity, anybody who bears impure thoughts, or bares impure language, will fall into lust, and on the second, they become wholesome, but with one word to trigger it.

after getting her mind straight, midnight caught (Y/N).

in the interrogation room.

all might: what are we going to do?

aizawa: i don't know.

(Y/N): *wakes up*

nezu: your awake.

(Y/N): bet you want to know, how i ended up like this, my motives, so on.

all might: what are your motives?

(Y/N): (wait, did they inject a truth serum into me?) I'd rather not tell, besides, i doubt you would understand, the hell I've been through.

(Y/N): if you want me to tell you anything, make logical sense of this poem, I'm going to give you.

nezu: sure.

(Y/N): ok, one bright day, in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight, back-to-back, they faced each other, drew there swords, and shot each other, a blind man came to see fair play, a mute man came to shout hooray, the deaf policeman heard the noise, and came to save the two dead boys, He lived on the corner, in the middle of the block, In a two story house, on a vacant lot, A man with no legs came walking by, And kicked the lawman in his thigh, He crashed through a wall without making a sound, Into a dry creek bed and suddenly drowned, A long black hearse came to cart him away, But he ran for his life and is still gone today, I watched from the corner of the table, The only eyewitness to facts of my fable, If you doubt my lies are true, Just ask the blind man, he saw it too.

aizawa: it's all lies, there are too many contradictions.

(Y/N): then why not ask the blind man?

nezu: this is actually all in your head, therefore none of the events happened, and there is no blind man to ask, therefore erasure is right.

(Y/N): and they succeed, ill give it to you in timeline formant, obviously cutting out my time as a villain.

(Y/N): if I'm being honest, i should have been dead, before even being born, my heart stopped before i even was born, but by a 'miracle', my heart restarted.

(Y/N): but it stopped again, when i was born, that was my second death, after that, my 'mother' saw me as a freak of nature, she only kept me around, so she could sell me, when i came of age for the rearing system.

(Y/N): from the ages of 1 to 3, she kept me locked in the basement, when i was three, she and her friends at the time decided, why not force the idea, that the only reason I'm around, was to be a toy for pleasure of all females.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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