part 3

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we let them go, but made them forget all about what happened during their capture, also I unlocked another portion of my newly evolved quirk, granting me the power of the sun, I can do more than most mortals, I become the pinnacle of all life, and that is the sin of pride, one of my sins.

shigiraki: your going to the festival.

(Y/N):fine just let me remove the dye and put in the contacts.

(Y/N) removes the dye and buts in black galaxy contacts, so he looks nothing like people expect.

izuka's pov.

we were heading to the sports festival, when I notice someone different form all the other people, a boy, he stuck out, but blended in so well I almost didn't notice, his eyes were galaxy coloured.

ochaco: what's wrong deku-chan?

izuka: I thought I saw a boy here, it seemed out of place to me.

(Y/N) pov.

the ark goes on and at the end (Y/N) has lots of data, and it puts a lot of stress onto him, as he heads to the pick up location, a trio of girls follow him.

(Y/N): I know you were following me, its pathetic that you actually think I wouldn't notice.

predatory fem 1: your a pathetic boy, I can beat you in one move.

(Y/N): right back at ya.

(meliodas intensifies)

pf1: kill shot.

(Y/N): *swings hand with a pebble in it, reflecting the kill shot* I said right back at ya.

pf1: *dies*

(Y/N): wow, that actually felt good, *looks to see the pebble has a chip out of it* I recommend you run, I have a lot more chances.

after the girls leave and (Y/N) returns.

(Y/N): man, I am board, that little scuffle wasn't even worth my time, i swear, some quirks are just so pathetic.

shigiraki: what do you mean? and what is that on your arm?

(Y/N): what do you mean? *looks at arm* I don't remember ever getting a tattoo, oh and I have some info that actually makes some interesting possibilities.

then he remebers.

(Y/N): maybe that came with the thing I did.

kurogiri: the stone that you took is chipped, care to explain.

(Y/N): that was some girls kill shot quirk, doesn't kill if they are ajin's, so I just swung the rock in the path then they got killed by their own quirk, if anything, sensei could do better.

after a while (and unlocking gluttony and pride) shigiraki brings stain to the hideout.

(Y/N): oh, so you brought the hero killer, to be honest, I'm not sure how sensei will feel about this, but to be honest, if you want to rebuild society, you have to first get your hands dirty, the LOV may aim to kill all might, but the reason I am in this line of work is to tear down this corrupt society, also, got the files you requested, * swings them to counter stains throwing knife* that was very rude, Chizomi, but with your profile I expected it. 

shigiraki: *looks at the files* so, that's what she was doing. *scratches her neck agitatedly*

(Y/N): you might not like us, but this is something you should see. *hands stain a file*

stain: I don't need any handouts, *cuts (Y/N)'s cheek* besides there is only one who I will willingly lose to, and that is all might.

(Y/N): I wouldn't classify all might as a hero with what's in this file, also your quirk causes paralysis, it would end in a trade off, if you haven't noticed, shigiraki and kurogiri have earplugs in, but what about you, you don't, therefore an ajins scream should paralyse you.

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