A Way Out(Volume 6)

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Dad looked to my arm,his old prosthetic one.

Y/n:You need this thing back?

I disconnected the arm and took it off,revealing the stump that was my hand.

Guts:Nah,but it looks like you're becoming more like your old man everyday. Before you know it your eye will be missing too.

I reconnected the arm and smiled at him,I couldn't help but cry a little as I saw him.

Y/n:I thought I lost you,just like how I lost everyone else.

He walked over to me and put my head in his chest with his one arm,I didn't move but I did cry.

Guts:You ain't gonna lose me that easily,your old man is a hard son of a bitch to kill.

Y/n:I know,let's get you to where the rest of us are staying.


I wiped my eyes and showed him the way to the house,when I got there I saw Jaune had Oscar by the collar. I got pissed immediately and dashed at him in the blink of an eye,I grabbed him by the throat and began to choke him. The other pulled out their weapons but stopped when they saw it was me.

Y/n:Listen here,you son of a bitch,if you think you can choke my family then you better think you can choke me!

He began to squirm in my hand as Yuno and Yang came over to me,they put a hand on me and I dropped him. He stood up and walked up the stairs,I looked behind me to see dad in the doorway.

Y/n:Sorry you had to see that.

The others looked to the door and gasped,they didn't think the black swordsman would come back from the dead.



Puck flew to my dad and began to fly infront of his face,dad grabbed him by the wings and looked at him.

Guts:If it ain't the bug.

Puck:At least I didn't get old like you!

Guts:Guess you got me there.

Yang:Woah,it's my father in law.



I looked at her and grabbed her by the waist,pulling her into a hug,she blushed as the others just looked.

Y/n:I'm so happy your still with me.

She hugged me back and I looked to my dad.

Y/n:So,we need help getting to Atlas.

Guts:Lets see what this old man can help you with.

Y/n:Dad and I are going to go back to the base,see if we can scare an airship out of them.

Yang:Just don't be too rough.

Y/n:Yang,you of all people should know I don't do soft.

Yang:Yeah,I know.

Yuno:I'm coming too.

Y/n:Alright,I'm going to need you anyways.

The three of us went back to the base and as we did you could hear alarms begin to sound and you could hear the words of Black Devil,Black Swordsman,And TimeBreaker be thrown around. When we got to the gate I smiled as guns were trained on us,I looked to Yuno and begin to talk to him.

Y/n:I'm going to turn myself in,when I do you go back and have Puck get to me. When they fly me to Atlas I'll have Puck get to you guys,disable the comms tower and ill bring the ship to you. Uncle Oz taught me to fly one before,this will be fine.

Guts:What about me?

Y/n:Who do you think is coming with me?

He smiled as yuno dashed back to the house,my plane was in action. The commander of the base walked up to me as I smiled at her through the gate.

Cordova:What do you want,Black Devil?

Y/n:I'm still wanted,right? I'm here to turn myself in,along with my father. The hundred man slayer.

Cordova:General Ironwood will be pleased if I bring you in! *Cough* Very well! I accept you,and your father's,surrender. You two are now prisoners of atlas and will be taken back to atlas for trial.


A dozen soldiers came out and stripped me of all my weapons and my prosthetic,they did the same to my father.

Y/n:Can't let me keep my arm?

She shook her head at me as I saw Puck fly over head,he gave me a thumbs up and continued to fly. He eventually landed on my shoulder when I was going into the air ship.

Y/n:Go get em.

He nodded again and flew off to get the others,as we got into the air and away from the base both me and dad got up and broke the chains holding us down. I grabbed a guard by the throat and threw him into other guards. I picked up my arm and put it on as I grabbed my sword,I grabbed an atlas prosthetic and looked to my dad.

Y/n:Need a hand?

He smiled at me while shaking his head,I threw him the arm and he put it on. He tried it out and we both looked at the cockpit,we ran in and knocked out the guards in there. I began to fly as I grabbed a scroll and called Yuno.

Y/n:Tell me that tower is going down.

Yuno:Not yet,seems Blake is having trouble.

Y/n:I should be above her,I know what I need to do.


I crushed the scroll and looked to my dad.

Y/n:Can you fly?

Guts:I've done it before.

Y/n:Alright,I'll see you later.

I jumped out of the ship and began to fall down,I took out my sword and shoved it in a tree as I fell. The force yanked my shoulder out of socket and I landed with my right arm hanging down. I grabbed the arm and shoved it back in socket and looked to the tower,I brought my sword out and put it on my shoulder.

Y/n:Time to find us a way out of here.

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