We Don't Have Time To Rest(Volume7)

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Yang had dragged me into our dorm,to try clothes on. I put on the clothes that she picked out for me but I didn't feel like I was myself.

Y/n:I don't know,Yang. This doesn't feel right,do I look okay?

Yang:You look fine,just because you're not wearing your armor doesn't mean you look bad.

Y/n:Are you sure? I feel......vulnerable.

Yang:Babe,your arm is a cannon. You're fine.

Y/n:But my sword.

Yang:You can bring the giant hunk of metal,if it makes you happy.

Y/n:Why are we going anyways?

Yang:Because you haven't ever taken me out on a date. Most girls would have dumped you for that.

Y/n:Well,you are better then any girl.

Yang:Damn straight.

She boosted herself up with her toes and kissed me,I kissed her back as Blake opened our door.

Blake:We're going to be late.


Y/n:Be right out.

Yuno:Hope you guys have fun at this club or whatever. Wish I could go but Ruby is dragging me Robin Hills victory party.

Y/n:Sucks for you.

Yang pulled me out of the room and we walked out of the school with Blake. We walked to the dance club that we were going to. I had my sword on my back. We made it to the club and we walked in,the music was deafing and the lights could give someone a seizure.

Y/n:You like places like this?!

Yang:Yeah! Let's dance!

Y/n:I'm not very good at dancing.

Yang:Come on,babe! For me? Just one song?

Y/n:One song.

She kissed me on the cheek as she dragged me onto the dance floor,Blake was there with us too. When I left the dance floor Blake and Yang continued to dance. While they were dancing a man walked over to Yang,I couldn't hear what he was saying but Yang waved at me. I stood up and walked over to her,the man got more and more scarred as I walked towards him.

Y/n:What's wrong?

Yang:Oh,nothing. He just said "How scary could your boyfriend be?".

I looked at him and he was,atleast, half a foot shorter then me.

Idiot:I-i didn't think she meant the black devil! Please don't kill me!

Y/n:Kill you? No,I like to have more fun then just killing you immediately.

I sniffed the air and I could smell piss,I looked down and saw that he was wetting himself. He turned around and ran away,either from embarrassment or fear.

Y/n:Hahahaha! You were right,this is fun!

Blake:You two done scaring the locals?


I then got a call on my scroll,Yang and Blake did too.

Ruby:Guys,Tyrian attacked at Robin's celebration party!

Yuno:People are thinking penny did it,things are bad and Grimm are showing up everywhere! Jane was there too.

Y/n:I'm on my way!

Yang:Y/n,what are you going to do?

Y/n:I don't know but this might be the end of everything. Love you,firefly.

I dashed out of the building and back to the school,I rushed to my room and got my armor. I rushed to the exit and Yang grabbed me in a hug.

Yang:I'm coming with.

Blake:Me too.

Kane:So am I. This is an Atlas problem too.

I nodded at Blake and Kane but I grabbed Yang by the shoulders.

Y/n:You run if I go out of control.

Yang:I can't. I couldn't

Y/n:YOU FUCKING RUN! You run as far as you can get from me. I won't kill you,I won't kill my kid. For me,please? Kane,promise me something.


Y/n:If I'm a danger to anyone that's innocent you put me down. You kill me.

Kane:You got it,Y/n.

Y/n:Don't let Yuno do it,don't do that to him.

Blake:Y/n,everything is going to be fine.

Y/n:Can you promise me that?


Y/n:Exactly,let's go do our job.

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