Take A Guess(Volume 6)

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It was cold,much colder then anything any of us had been through. We had all walked up to the front door,me and yang wheeled her motorcycle up to the bottom of the porch.

Y/n:I'll say this,really glad I don't have an arm right now.

Yang:I'll agree with that.

I went to the front door,looking around at it.

Qrow:Something doesn't feel right.

Y/n:You took the words right out of my mouth.

Ruby:This doesn't make sense,all the town's I went through were abandoned and demolished but this place seems fine.

Weiss:You think everyone just left before things took a turn?

Blake:It's possible.

I tried to open the door but it was locked,not something that an abandoned house would be.

Qrow:What's wrong,newbie?

Y/n:Doors locked.

Qrow:You know what that means,weapons up!

I took my sword off my back as I  kicked the door open and we all ran into the house but it really felt like no one was here.

Y/n:Only us.

Maria:Close the door,it's already too cold.

Oscar held the door shut as I picked up a nearby drawer and brought it to the door,I set it down and the dresser blocked the door from opening.

Y/n:It's cold.

Blake:I saw a chimney,we could start a fire.

Weiss:Please I'll get some blankets.

Y/n:Say what you want,snow queen,I want that fire.

Qrow:Alright then,blake,you and y/n go get that fire started while yang and Weiss find us some blankets.

Y/n:Alright,let's see what we can do Blake.


We walked into the study,where the chimney was,and I took a look around while pulling a dust crystal out of my bag.

Y/n:Think this would work?

Blake:We should try to find some fire wood first.

Y/n:My arm does have a flame thrower.

I looked back to see Oscar looking around.

Y/n:You've been real quiet,are you okay?

Oscar:Hm? Oh,yeah,I'm fine. This place looks like a study of some sort,or maybe a library.

Y/n:Yeah,this is where I would want to keep all my books,right next to open fire source.

Blake:This place kind of looked like a farm,y'know?

Y/n:I did call it a creepy farm house,I think.



Blake:That was Weiss!

I grabbed the hilt of my sword and we all ran up the stairs,where we saw Weiss and yang sitting on the floor.

Y/n:Are you two okay? What happe-

Mid way through my sentence I looked at what they saw,a dead couple in their bed.

Y/n:We...we should bury them.

Oscar:I think I saw a shovel outside.

I grabbed both of the bodies and put them over my shoulders,carrying them outside. Oscar dug the grave and I put the bodies into the grave,I then refilled the grave.

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