The Good News(Volume7)

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Yang woke me up with a squeal from our bathroom,I stood up walked over and knocked on the door.

Y/n:You alright? Did your arm fall in?

The door swung open and she jumped onto me with a hug,she was smiling and giggling.

Y/n:Calm down,firefly,what's hot you in such a good mood?

She let go of me and help a pregnancy test in front of me,with it being positive.

Y/n:Oh my God!

I picked her up and twirled with her,a gaint smile on my face.

Yang:You know what this means!?

Y/n:I'm going to be a dad!

Yang:And I'm going to be a mom! Should we tell the others?

Y/n:Of course,Ruby and Yuno are going to be so excited!

It was at that moment I realized something,something Yang wasn't going to like

Y/n:What about the fight with Salem and all the fighting we go through. With you pregnant,we might lose our kid.

Yang:Y/n,come on.

Y/n:I'm serious,it's dangerous. For you and the baby.

Yang:Well,I'm not going to stop fighting everyone needs me. You need me.

Y/n:Alright,I'll just keep extra watch over you and our son.


Y/n:I want a boy,okay.

Yang:But what if we have a girl?

Y/n:I'll love her all the same but for now I'm going with a boy.

Yang:You just want another fighter like you.

Y/n:Yang,you and the other girls have proven that it doesn't matter if you're guy or girl to kick ass.

Yang:Well,what are you thinking about a name?

Y/n:Hmm,I want to name him after my dad if it's boy but if it's a girl I want to name her Jane. What about you?

Yang:Hmm,I like your ideas but if we get twins with two girls. I'm naming one after Blake.

Y/n:I'm fine with that but if it's two boys one's being named Yuno.


Y/n:Well,ready to tell the others?


We left our room to go to the dorm of eam RWBY,with the Y standing for Yuno at the moment. We knocked on the door and Ruby opened it,Yang tackled her into a hug and picked her up.

Ruby:What's this about?!



Puck flew around us and landed on Yang's head,he bent down and looked her in the eyes.

Puck:I get it now,you're

I snatched him up and slightly squeezed,shutting him up.

Weiss:What's the wait for?

Blake:It's good news,right?

Yang:The best! I'm pregnant!

The room went dead silent from there surprise,until Ruby yelled an excited scream.

Ruby:I "am" going to be an aunt!

Yuno:I'm an uncle!

Blake:Does that make us aunt's too?

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