Gladiatorial Combat(Volume7)

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After the issue at the Mines we were given our huntsman licenses,meaning we weren't students or trainees anymore. Yang and I had made sure she didn't work herself too hard,but I couldn't stop myself from training harder then I ever had before. I was told to have multiple breaks several time but I never listened,I was training the same as anyday when Kane walked in. I put my sword on my shoulder as he looked around at how I destroyed the training room.

Kane:Ironwood has told you to take a break several times now. Why don't you listen?

Y/n:I was never good at taking orders. What are you here for?

Kane:To make a deal with you.

Y/n:A deal?

He pulled his sword off his back and dashed at me,I blocked his attack but that was a killing blow he just intended to do.

Y/n:The hell do you think you're doing?!

Kane:Making you cooperate,if I win this fight you take a break from training. You win and you can keep going until you drop dead.

Y/n:Sounds fun!

I kicked him away and I dashed at him,he blocked by attack easily but when he tried to counter attack I didn't allow him to land a hit on me. I dodged two of his attacks and swung to hit him in the chest,he jumped back and I missed him. I jumped forward and tried to slash at him from below,I connected but his armor took most of the damage. The sparks from my sword connecting with his armor were amazing.  He brought his sword up and tried to bring it down on me,I blocked it with my metal hand.

Y/n:This hand is made with the same stuff as my sword.

I pushed his sword back and brought my sword up to cut into his shoulder,I cut into his armor and his skin,I saw the blood cover my sword and his armor. He stabbed me through the gut and kicked me back,I skidded back and grabbed my gut as he grabbed his shoulder.

Y/n:I got cut in the shoulder once,almost lost my entire arm. Do you remember the Grimm invasion on Vale? The before the fall of Beacon?

Kane:I remember.

Y/n:I was there,everything was going to end well thanks to Beo but a giant Grimm came from no where. I was too stubborn to take help in fighting the thing,so I didn't. I cut it's head off but I almost lost my entire right arm. I still have the scar for it and everything. But enough of me talking,let's get back to it. Unless you're done.

Kane:No,let's finish this.

He dashed at me while I dashed at him,we swung our swords at the same time and they crashed togetger. The force was enough to send waves through my bones. We both took a step back and started an all put barrage on eachother,both us attacking and deflecting the other. No one was gaining even a hint of the upper hand,we clashed blades and started to go into a struggle.

Y/n:Ironwood really wasn't kidding when he said your just like me.

Kane:At first I thought people exaggerated how good you were,I can see now they were telling the truth.

Our swords slid off of eachother and he went to swing for my gut,I jumped up into the air and tried to stab into his back. He dodged to the right and tried to stab me through the shoulder,I rolled to my left and stood up. It was stalemate at the moment,we tried to attack eachother again but Kane's scroll rang. He then started to play the news,an interview with Jaques Schnee.

Jaques:I have made it no secret that I find what James Ironwood to be doing is completely idiotic,this senseless embargo has done nothing but damage the people of Atals and Mantel. I have had no choice but to suspend non essential parts of the Schnee Dust company,leaving many jobless. Not to mention,while visiting a Schnee owned dust mine I was attacked by The Black Devil and Ironwood had the audacity to say I would be arrested for trespassing. That is right,good people,General Ironwood is working with the most wanted man in Mantel. Think of all the brave soldiers lost their lives fighting that hearless monster. Your very friends and family and Ironwood is working with such a man,how much is too much? Think about this at the poles,good people,will Robin Hill bring your family justice or will she sit back? Just like Ironwood.

I punched a wall,creating a hole deep in the wall with my normal hand.


Yang busted into the training room and ran over to me,she hugged me but then looked at me with worried eyes.

Yang:Did you hear the news?

Kane:I showed him.

Yang:There's going to be riots in the streets for days! What if the people come for you?

Y/n:I...I don't know and it doesn't matter,no one in the public knows who you are to me. You're safe,you and the kid.

Yang:Is everything going to be okay?

Y/n:Yeah,it will be. I'll make sure of it.

Kane:What kid?

Y/n:Mine,Yang is pregnant. Kane,can I ask you something?


Y/n:If something bad happens to me I want you to look after her,Yuno and the others would help but.... I don't know if I'm making it out of this.

He walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

Kane:No one is going to die,it'll be me before anyone else.

Y/n:I like it,just don't get yourself killed.

Kane:Could say the same to you.

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