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I woke up in the middle of the night with my arm and armor taken off,I was wrapped in bandages. I sat on the window seal and looked out into the night sky,nothing better to do.

 I sat on the window seal and looked out into the night sky,nothing better to do

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Yang came into the room and saw me,she looked concerned.

Yang:You okay?

Y/n:Okay....no,no I don't think I'm okay. I don't...i don't feel like this is going to end well.

Yang:What isn't going to end well?


Yang:.....Right....Yuno and ruby are asleep,so are the others.

Y/n:What about Jane?

Yang:She...we have her in the bar room.

Y/n:Is she asleep,is what I meant.

Yang:No,no where close.

Y/n:Right,I'm going to see her.

Yang:By yourself?

Y/n:I'm not afraid of death,not now and not ever,so yeah,by myself.

I got off the of the window and walked to the bar room,I opened the door and there she was. She was trying so hard to get out of her chains,they tied her to the floor so she couldn't move much.

Jane:Y/n,you'll die,I'll kill you!

Y/n:No,you won't,you won't ever kill me because your queen wouldn't allow it.

I sat down infront of her and she tried to charge me but was held back by the chains.

Y/n:I care for you,alot,despite everything I still love you.

Jane:Lies! You would have told me the truth!

Y/n:The truth....you want the truth? The "truth" is Griffith raped our mother,he raped her and she got pregnant with you. Then,she hung herself after your birth,she couldn't take the shame and killed herself. The "truth" is that dad murdered Griffith because he raped our mother,that's the truth!

Jane:More lies.....my parents loved each other and guts was jealous!

Y/n:Right......yeah,of course that's what happened,because your queen who wants to kill everything is the most honest person alive.  Listen,little sister, the truth is what I said here and now and if I'm lying to you I will happily let you murder me. I'm missing an arm because I want to save you,yuno almost died to save you,my entire purpose is to save you. Please Jane,let me save you!

Jane:Save me.....you want to save me?!

I stood up and walked over to her,I then gave her a tight hug. She bit my shoulder but I didn't let go,I hugged her tighter.

Y/n:I would die for you,happily. I would rip my guts out and throw them in the trash then let you die,because I love you.

She bit down harder,I began to bleed when she stopped biting. She pulled away and I let go of her,her eyes still hated me.

Y/n:Try to get some sleep,I know I'm tired.

I walked away from her and to the door,I opened it and got ready to leave.

Jane:You will die before you complete this foolish dream of yours!

Y/n:.....I know,Jane I'm going to get myself killed....I know that better then anyone else. I know better then anything else on this planet,I know I'm reckless and irresponsible,I know that I'm a battle scared moron,and I'm a killer. I'm an executioner and I'll have to face my execution,and I'm okay with that.

I left the room and walked back to yang in the living room,she hugged me and I gave her a one armed hug. I kissed her forehead and put my head on hers.

Y/n:Let's go to sleep.


I laid down and she laid down on top of me,I looked over to see yuno and ruby were cuddling eachother in their sleep.

Y/n:Heh,happy as usual.

Yang:They always are,I'm so tired.

Y/n:Then let's go to sleep.

I put my head down and put my hand on the back of yang's head,I began to rub her hair as we both fell asleep. The night passed and we all overslept,ruby had to wake us all up. Yang and I got up and I put all my gear on,I went into the bar room and Jane was as far away from the cellar as she could be.

Y/n:What's wrong?

Jane:T-there's something in there.

Y/n:You're imagining it,no way something is in there.

Jane:I'm telling you,idiot!

Y/n:Then let's just go.

I grabbed Jane's chain and untied it,I then lead her out of the bar and outside with the others.

Qrow:Finally getting out if this damn place.

He then kicked the lift that we were going to attach to yang's bike and a tire went flat.

Y/n:Oh dear god.

Yuno:Are you kidding me? All that for a flat,oh god.


Yang:Be quiet,Jane.


Y/n:Everyone calm down,I'm so tired,we need to find a way to fix this.

Weiss:Why are we still doing this?


Weiss:There's no point,Salem can't be killed so we can't win.

Y/n:Then you don't know the difference between un-killable and unbeatable.

Yang:But she's right,say we through the relic down the well or bury it here and it would take Salem years to find it.

Yuno:We might not even live to see it.

Ruby then walked over to the well with the relic,she held the relic out and it seemed like she was in a trance.


Jane:Even if you do,I'll just tell her where you put it,this won't stop anyone.


Jane:Y-you've never yelled at me before.

Y/n:That was before you joined the enemy.

Ruby:But,I'm so tired.

I looked for qrow but he was inside,drinking again. I went to grab ruby but something scared her and she dropped the relic down the well.

Y/n:Damn it!

Ruby:Y/n,I didn't meant to! Let's go get it.

I jumped down the well and yuno was next to me in a few seconds,then ruby dropped down.

Y/n:Call me crazy,it doesn't feel like we're alone.

THE JURY(The second book in the executioner trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now