Yuno is alive!(volume6)

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Jinn:Yuno sasaki? The timebreaker? He's no longer of this world,you can not reach him.

I dropped to my knees,my worst fears being true.

Yang:Y/n,it'll be okay.

Y/n:He's dead?

Jinn:I didn't say that,I said he's not of this world and you can't reach him but he is alive. Just in another dimension so very similar to your own,humanity also posses powers called quirks,these powers very much farther then our own but I don't know anything else.


Y/n:I know we're out of questions but I have one more. Will we ever see him again.

Jinn:I'm not suppose to but for the blood of your family I can make an exception. You will see your friend again,maybe sooner then later but I can say no more.

The mist around us ended and Jinn returned to her lamp.

Y/n:Uncle oz,you loved Salem.

Ozpin:I do love Salem but she isn't the woman she was when we meet,when I saved her from that tower.

Y/n:This last year of my life,swearing revenge on Salem,it's all been useless.

Yang:That's not true.

Ruby:I mean yeah,there has to be a reason for all of this.

Y/n:Whatever,Yuno is alive and that's all that matters and we'll see him again.


Y/n:No,don't say anything. I'm happy right now. Let's just get to a town,there has to be one nearby.

Blake:That's true enough.

Maria:I have no clue who this yuno boy is but you all seem happy,that's good we should go before it gets dark.

Y/n:That's right,there has to be a nearby village.

Qrow:No way to kill Salem,I thought for all these years I was doing something good.

Ozpin:You are.

Qrow:Shut it oz! Meeting you may have been the worst luck of my life.

Y/n:Qrow,that's not fair to say!

Yang:Y/n,he lied to us! Endlessly! If he wasn't bound to Oscar I would say we should leave him for the wolves.

Y/n:YANG! That's my uncle,the man that told me everything I know and I won't listen to you talk bad about him!

Yang:Or what!?

Y/n:Keep it up and you'll find out!

Ruby:Y/n,yang! Cut it out,you two! Yuno is alive,maybe not here but he is alive. We were right.

Y/n:I know. Hey,uncle Oz?

He stayed quiet.

Y/n:Do you have a plan to beat Salem?

Ozpin:....No,I don't.

Y/n:Then you come up with one,and if you can't then I'll just cut her head off and through it in a hole.

Ozpin:Students,I know how you all must feel right now but

Yang:Stop. Just stop,please. Don't give me another reason to hate you.


Uncle ozpins eyes flashed and Oscar was back.

Oscar:He's gone.

Yang:He ran.

Oscar:No,it's something diffrent. It's like he's locked up deep inside my head. Our head? I don't know anymore!

Maria:ENOUGH! We need to get going,your bad emotions are going to get us killed if we stay here.

Weiss:Right,we need to get going.

Blake:There's a trail,we could go that way.

Y/n:There's no better option. Man,I wish yuno was here right now. Things wouldn't be so tense.

I began to lead our group down the path,yang came up next to me with her bike.

Yang:Y/n,I'm sorry.

Y/n: Don't be,you're angry and upset and you feel like you've been betrayed but yang I'm still here for you. And we still have our promise.

Yang:I'll cut through hell with you.

Y/n:And I'll give you the best night of your life. Just remember to watch my back until then.

Yang:Don't worry,I will. But you've got to watch mine.

Y/n:You say that like it's hard.

Yang:I wish things could always be happy.

Y/n:Things will get better,they always do.

Yang:But then they get worse.

Y/n:True but,yang,I think ruby is really happy yuno is alive.

Yang:As far as I know he's the first guy she's ever liked.

Y/n:Same for yuno,he hasn't told me about any other girl. I don't know,maybe in that new world of his he's a lady killer.

Yang:I'll punch him in the balls if he does that to ruby.


As we walked we began to hear a metal squeak.

Y/n:Yang,is your bike alright?

Yang:That's not my bike.

We followed the noise to a abandoned farm house.

Y/n:Creepy old farm....hooray.

Ruby:It's better then the snow.

Weiss:Define better.

Qrow:We can't be picky with what we have.

Y/n:You really want to sleep in the old abandoned farm?

Yang:Is the executioner scared?


Qrow:Don't tell me,you never got over your fear of ghosts?

Y/n:Hey listen,If anything is haunted it's that house!

Yang:Don't worry,mama yang will keep all the big bad ghost's away.

Y/n:I'm not a kid!

Ruby:I'm telling yuno about this.


Qrow:Better be quiet,newbie,you'll wake the ghosts.

Y/n:You all have the count of ten to get into that house before I start swinging. 1...2...3

The others,besides the old lady, qrow,and yang, dashed into the house.

Y/n:Alright then,Yang.

Yang:What's up?

Y/n:Lets take the bike into one of the barns.

Yang:Good idea.

THE JURY(The second book in the executioner trilogy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें