Valentines day (Jill)

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Warning! this contains content that is 18+ only!! You've been warned

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1. Jill wakes up on the fourteenth of February before you. She begins the day by making you breakfast and your favorite hot drink.

2. She runs the shower for you, and while you bask in the heated water, Jill runs to the closest store to get you your favorite flowers.

3. With you freshly out of the shower and now dressed to Jill's perfection. Jill gives you your first kiss of the day. It's smooth and loving. She pours her passion into the kiss fully. You feel complete euphoria.

4. Her beautiful smile lingers on her face as she pulls the bouquet of your favorite flowers out from behind her. She watches as your eyes light up; the beautiful colors bring you endless joy.

5. Jill peppers you with the only best compliments and sweetest kisses. Jill tells you just how much she loves you.

6. The two of you exchange gifts. You both treat each other to a few small presents and one expensive gift to keep things even. Jill debated buying you a second expensive gift, but she knew better than to piss you off.

7. Dinner is made by Jill. Despite your belief that she wasn't very skilled at making food. Jill proves you wrong by making your favorite dish just the way you like it.

8. Jill and you spend the evening cuddled on the couch watching a favorite movie/series. Being in her warm embrace makes you feel sane, even with covid surrounding you and setting the limit to yours and Jill's shared apartment. You wouldn't change a thing.

9. What was innocent little touches and kisses on the couch turns heated in an instant. She walks you back to the bedroom with the intent of making you feel amazing. Jill kisses you with everything she has, it's the same as the kiss from the morning, but the need is different. Your tongues move in tandem as they wrestle for dominance.

Jill ultimately comes out on top, but you welcome this. Her hands make their way around your body, greedily grabbing everything they can. The heat within you rises to a breaking point when she grips your ass and whispers in your ear, "this is mine," she emphasized this with another possessive squeeze. The sweet moans that roll from your mouth excite Jill even more. In a blur, the two of you are left naked; nothing is stopping her from taking what's rightfully hers now.

Jill places you on the bed and spreads you to her liking. Your glorious juices coat your lower area, and Jill can't control herself anymore. Her fingers glide through your lower lips as Jill covers them in your nectar. Jill brings her fingers to her mouth and instantly moans at your taste. The sound only bringing out more of your arousal.

Jill makes good work of your neck, littering your skin with the art of her teeth, but you only wanted her in one place. Jill relieves you of the need by pushing one finger into your heat. Her eyes are plastered to you at all times. Watching the way your face displays pleasure, how your body reacts to the intrusion of her incredible finger.

Jill presses in all the way down to her knuckle. She watches you writhe in pleasure. She stays steady; Jill barely moves, which aggravates you to no end. You roll your hips into the finger in an attempt at reducing the ache for release. The moment you moan Jill's name, even she couldn't help herself.

A second finger soon follows, and it isn't long before she's pumping them at a steady rhythm. Your moans increase in volume, your knuckles grip at the bedding around you as you move your hips to her movement. You were already close, but when a third finger is inserted, and her other hand comes to rub your bud, the pleasure overflows.

You reach your high with a scream of Jill's name; she keeps pumping through your tight clench for maximum climax. Jill can't help the smug look she carries when you finally come down from the highest of highs.

10. At the end of the day, when the two of you relax into the same bed Jill just made love to you. Jill places a long kiss to the side of your head and holds you close to her. She whispers, "I love you so much, baby girl," you just about say the coveted response back before drifting into a fantastic slumber.

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