Your Angel (Claire)

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Hey : )


This one is officially yours : ) <3

Warning!! I make a reference to a personal issue, although i stay clear of actually mentioning it!!

The brilliant orb of amber and tangerine sunk lower and lower in the sky until it dipped down into the horizon, painting the sky in magnificent hues of fiery red and crimson. The colors faded from maroon to neon pink and majestic purple. An impossibly bright orange colored the world a sparkling gold as the sun descended. The sky changed from cornflower blue to a subtle purple, speckled with diamonds and adorned in one large orb of opal....

These were moments you treasured dearly. You had your head rested On Claire's chest, her soothing heartbeat filled your ears, a feeling of warmth completed your senses.

Her fingers combed through Y/H/C locks with the sole purpose of freeing your being of all the demons. Lord knows you had plenty of them but to Claire. This changed nothing.

The two of you weren't a "thing" by any means, but the closeness you shared in the eyes of others, often brought the question to fruition. You couldn't lie to yourself; she was everything to you, a rock when your demons became too apparent. She had the biggest heart known to man.

Night-time had always been the time when the demons residing within you came out to play, to bring out the worst. But, this day was different; this day, your angels decided to shield you from the darkness, pain, and agony. For the first time, your heart didn't throb; and your soul became a bird in the sky. With every moment came peace, and, with every breath, exuberance. All you could think of was happy and only happy.

Your angel was Claire.

You weren't sure how long you had been lying in the spot you resided in; the pair of you got there, ready for the gorgeous sunset. That had long passed, and now, the night sky took its place. Every star had a story, a path, at least that was what your mind told you.

Your breathing was so calm and mellow that Claire assumed you had fallen asleep; she made no change in her actions, though. Continuously threading her thin fingers through your hair, all the while holding you close to her chest.

The serene feeling of this moment had Claire deep in thought, all of those thoughts involved you. She thought back to the time you first met one another.


The heavy thump of the song's bass blasting through the speakers was enough to give Claire a headache. The steady bassline had taken away most of her natural senses; she swirled the liquid placed in the flimsy, red cup situated in her hand.

Downing the contents of the cup in one, she winced as the burning sensation traveling down her throat almost became too much. The night to this point had been such a bust, her so-called friends were yet to turn up, and she didn't recognize any of the people in attendance.

As her Deep Blue eyes scouted the room, they landed something. Someone. Her attention had been peaked at the highest of mountains. Even with all the drunk, dancing bodies attempting to block her visual. Her eyes were locked on the target. That target was you.

Attraction? That's the easy part, she was attracted to you, like a magnet. "There's just something about you," she whispered to herself. She began to gravitate toward your location.

You were simply there for your more confident friend, who suggested you should take a break from the barrage of tests you had upcoming. The idea was right at the time, but just three minutes into the night, you were simply an afterthought. Your friend was comfortably dancing in the arms of a man, laughing and joking, having the best of times.

Your mind told you to leave a while ago; there was no reason to still be here. Just a glance in a different area of the room was all it took. The deepest ocean of blue eyes was focused directly on you. There was no mistake to be made; you happened to be the only being in this area of the crowded room.

Fear and Anxiety instantly kicks in. Your fight or flight response tussles for dominance. This Blue-eyed beauty gets closer, pushing through the sweaty bodies lined in between you. Even with how loud the music was, you feared she could hear your racing heartbeat from here.

Your head buzzing with possibilities, why was she so focused on you? Did you do something wrong? Surely not, you had been quietly sitting there since you arrived. You barely moved from your spot.

Before you know it, she is right there-face to face, a bright, silky smile written on her face. The world fell; still, no words were exchanged for a while, but it was still the best conversation you had In a long time.

"Hey, I'm Claire. I saw you all alone, and I just thought I would come and say hi," her voice was sweet and made you feel at ease. All the nerves you felt had been washed away with the simple greeting.

Everybody else disappeared, the music faded away, the only thing that mattered to you was Claire.

That night you spoke for hours at this party; you were some of the last to leave. Claire was lovely enough to walk you back to your own dorm room, as you reached the room and spun on your heels to look at Claire.

She looked nervous; she nibbled on her bottom lip, deep in thought. It was eating her alive at the possibility of never speaking to you again. You lured her in without even realizing it.

Claire pulled you into an unexpected hug; you squeezed each other for the longest time, afraid to let go of your new friend. From that moment on, you were attached at the hip. You were best friends, sure, but deeper feelings were always there. Both of you had them, but the fear of rejection on both sides kept them at bay.

Which brings us back to now.

Claire assumed you were asleep on her chest; she knew how restless you were nowadays, so the thought made her heart skip a beat.

"I know you can't hear me, but I can't keep this to myself anymore. I love you; I have since the moment I met you. I just couldn't let my feelings get in the way of what we already have. If I have to suffer in silence just to be near you...... then it's worth it."

Imagine the sheer shock on Claire's face when you held yourself up on shaky elbows, facing her with tears in your eyes; you couldn't form the words, even if your mind had any, you knew it would be a struggle.

She stuttered upon her words, attempting to explain away the clear feelings she held. All it took was a sudden surge of confidence on your part. You pushed forward, capturing the pillow-like lips.

When your lips met, your brain lit on fire, and the warmth spread throughout your entire body. After that, you were addicted, you knew this is what wanted, for you knew that you would lose yourself if you lost her. She was the half that made you whole.

Stars light the sky like snowflakes in the night, yet appear still, like an old photograph. As you parted, the only thing you could think about was being the best possible version of yourself.

For she is your angel, and she continues to fight away all the demons.

Did you know: Chris Redfields' RE7 game model was found in the game files for RE2 Remake. It's unknown as to why, although speculation says it was an unreleased DLC costume.

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