When you're drunk (Claire)

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This originated from my Christmas ventures, lmao.

How Claire treats a drunk reader.

1. Claire finds it rather humorous, she will definitely tease you about the situation afterward.

2. She will always be by your side, or at least have you in her eyesight (she likes to know that you're safe)

3. She will take the bottle from your hand if she feels like you've gone over the top, but she still wants you to have fun.

4. She'll be the one to carry you home/to bed depending on where you got drunk.

5. She's more than willing to put up with your shit ;) no matter what type of drunk you are, she plays along with it.

6. If you've gone a bit overboard, and get ill. She will hold your hair back and pat your back for comfort.

7. When you inevitably pass out, she will help you out of your clothes and redress you in something more comfortable.

8. As you soundly sleep on her chest she'll stroke your hair.

9. You'll wake up the next morning to your hangover cure next to you (for me it's irn bru and McDonald's french fries) and a cheery Claire who gives you a bright smile.

10. Your hangover day is spent in the arms of the woman you love, cuddles and kisses are amazing plentiful.

This is for a certain Claire simp......

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