RE-UPLOAD 18+!! Jealousy (Jill) PT2

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Warning!! this contains very poorly written smut!! 18+

Anyway..... Enjoy?? 


As Jackson fell dark, and the blanket of white outside was embedded in the ground, The heat from Jill's apartment could be felt from Antarctica. Your skin blazed with every touch she made on the exposed skin peaking out of your dress.

When you finally separated for the first time, you realized that tonight, you were her prey. She watched you with black eyes. Her predator-like instincts stalked you toward the bedroom, as the doorway opened; the uncovered window lets through a beam of silky white light. The moon shone exceedingly from behind the snow clouds that once again threatened to burst.

The rest of the room was dark, and even though you couldn't see Jill clearly. The room's energy was extensively present; she flicked a small switch, illuminating the room in magnificent hues of green, red, and blue. The walls of her large bedroom were littered with little fairy lights that lit up her features perfectly.

The woman gave off no signs of moving. She watched you from the doorway, and the thoughts of making a joke right now crept into your brain, but for your sake, you knew it was best to stay quiet.

"Strip" Jill, demanded from her position in the doorway; you didn't need to be told twice; with unsure hands, you unzipped your dress and let it pool at your feet, but Jill's mood was unchanged. This was usually the time when she would tell you how beautiful you are, kisses, and compliments would flood your ears, but this time she stayed still and deafly silent.

Unclipping your bra and removing your now soaked underwear still had little effect on the intimidating woman in front of you; she smirked in your direction before slowly making her toward you.

You indeed were her prey in this situation; instead of coming straight to you, she circled you, taking in every inch of your beautiful body. She disappeared behind you one last time. You gasped as her cold yet soft hands snaked around your waist and began exploring all of the skin you had to offer.

Really, in the current climate around Jackson. The snow-covered grounds and harsh icy winds would dictate that being stripped bare would leave you shivering. Her touch, however, lit your whole body on fire; a raging inferno filled you to the brim.

She placed a light kiss on the back of your shoulder. "If you want me to stop, say the word. Ok, baby?" you could only nod; no words were capable of leaving your mouth. As soon as the nod was unveiled. She spun you around and pulled you toward her king-size bed.

As you jumped on the bed and came to rest in the middle, she grabs your ankles and pulls you to sit at the edge. No time is spared. She separates your ankles, spreading you wide open for her lustful gaze.

Your arousal was evident; your breathing was ragged as you eagerly awaited her touch. It was like she snapped at that moment; she lunged forward to engage in a lustful kiss. Her lips fit yours perfectly like the piece of a puzzle; Jill's teeth took your bottom lip hostage as she harshly bit down on the flesh. She smoothed the bite with her tongue before invading your mouth.

There was no fight for dominance, you were more than happy to let Jill take control, and besides, she would always come out on top. (Pun intended) as she dominated the heated kiss, you felt a hand wrap around your throat, holding you in place. This action made your want for Jill even greater.

Her other hand slithered up your leg and the inside of your thigh. The closer she got to where you needed her the most, the more you reacted. You squirmed underneath Jill; you were so ready for what she had to offer.

You were given some form of release as she found your clit, rubbing slow circles while tightening her grip on your throat slightly. She broke the kiss as your quiet moans rolled out. Jill held a proud smile; she knew you were honestly all hers. And she was planning much more pleasure for you.

It didn't take long for her grip on your throat to release completely and be placed on your breast as she massaged its entirety; she tweaked your nipple at the same time as coating her index and middle finger in your wetness.

Your slicked folds made Jill feel weak at the knees; her two fingers teased your tight entrance for a short time before she became impatient. She pushed into your heat; the moan that erupted from you once again elicited a smirk from her pink lips.

She was able to glide all the way in down to the knuckle. Her eyes trailed all around your beautiful body. She was fascinated with the arch of your back as she slowly pumped her digits. The slight parting in your lips as you let out soft moans. She watched you thrash around as she began to speed up the pace.

She now knew that there was something else she had to do. Her head went down between your legs, her fingers still repeatedly pumped inside of you. Her tongue flicked out and made contact with your fleshy button.

By this point, you are moaning uncontrollably. The pleasure is almost reaching the utmost height. You feel like your world is about to crash, but.

She stops. She pulls her fingers out and prevents the flicker of her tongue. Jill laughs at your whines for a finish; this is all very amusing to her. Jill stands up straight and looks at your figure once again. Legs spread wide open, your wet channel just begging to be touched.

Jill knelt in front of you, she separated your lower lips before plunging her tongue deep into your heat, she worked all your angles, she flicked and sucked at your most private region like her life depended on it. She hooked your legs over her shoulders, bringing you even closer so she could get deeper.

Now your moans and screams of her name were flying. People passing in the street could no doubt hear you; Jill got her wish after all. "Y/N come on, love, let go for me," she spoke before diving back in.

That was your undoing, you cried out as your climax hit you. You felt like you were on cloud nine, and Jill didn't stop. Even after a burst of your liquid hit her tongue. She slowed significantly to let you ride out the high, but she kept her tongue stroking your insides.

"You taste good, baby. I can't wait for round number two." Your eyes widened; number two? This girl would genuinely be the death of you. And with that announcement, she went right back to work.

The morning after.

As your eyes fluttered open, you burrowed yourself more in-depth into the sheets that clung to your sweaty body. The dull ache between your legs told the story of the night. Multiple rounds later, you finally collapsed like an over sensitive mess.

Jill was seared into your brain. Your body was a mess of love bites, "marking my territory," Jill called it; of course, she went for your neck. You almost swore you heard her say, "can't wait for Ellie to see this,"

She truly was your jealous Jill.

She's so hot, honestly. Lmao.


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