Just a bad dream

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Heyy, I'm back at it again : )

The moonlight splashed down its watery white-silver glow onto the city, bathing the tall buildings surrounding yours and Jill's apartment complex, illuminating them.

You were currently fast asleep, curled up on Jill's side of the bed. Her scent was plastered all over her pillow, giving you some sense of safety.

Jill had just finished her shift in the S.T.A.R.S office; she quietly crept into the apartment, careful not to make a significant amount of noise at your expense.

This had been the usual for quite some time now. Jill would often work tirelessly; she spent countless hours in that small office. You understood her passion for the job (even though she kept you in the dark about it). Something about wanting to keep you out of her investigation?

She flicked through the envelopes you had placed on the kitchen countertop, seeing nothing but bills to her name, Jill silently made her way to the bedroom; praying you would still be asleep.

The sight that beheld Jill will forever be one of her favorites. Curled up in her space, a thin blanket loosely covers half your body, and she couldn't help but notice you were wearing her beloved t-shirt.

Your heart thumped in accordance with slow, shallow breaths. Serenity was plastered across your face as you slept. At peace, your consciousness swirled in the land of dreams, oblivious to the physical world. This was your purist form, and Jill loved it.

Jill tip-toed to the window frame placed just in front of the best, taking a seat on the open window frame. She silently cursed you, as she had warned you several times to leave the window shut, especially during the night-time.

The sound of droplets pattering against the metal steps of her fire escape brought her attention to the outside world. She loved the rain. Everything about the rain: the whispering hum as sheets of precipitation plummeted to the water-forsaken ground, the unexpected flashes of lightning, or the claps of roaring thunder. She loved it all.

The gentle breeze that rolled through the window brought her back to the sleeping goddess before her. (you, yes you!!!) The calm demeanor your sleeping form held before was gone, however.

Your face scrunched up in pain or horror, you twitched slightly, beads of sweat formed on your forehead, and the mumbles coming from your lips were getting louder.

She knew this was a nightmare, and as quickly as she shot towards the bed, you awoke with a tear-stained face. It was half a second before you were enveloped in the warm embrace you longed for.

She wasted no time, whispering the sweetest of words in your ear, lightly squeezing you in her protective bubble. Miss Valentine was a real sucker when it came to you, and seeing your panicked state literally broke her heart.

"Hey, I'm here now, baby. You're OK. It was just a bad dream." All the while, tucking strands of hair behind your ear and doing her best to dry your tears.

"I-I t-thought I lost you," you manage to choke out between relentless sobs. Jill was sure her heart audibly cracked at the admission.

The soft circles she was rubbing on your back were slowly, but surely bringing you to a more relaxed state. Your uncontrollable sobs were now just slight whimpers.

You felt her soft lips connect with your temple, as she continued her softly spoken, sweet crusade. An enormous roar of thunder rolled through the open window, leaving you to jump at the sudden slam. Jill just wrapped you up in her arms even tighter.

The warmth you received at this moment was biblical. You could stay in this exact moment forever. "Y/N, do you want to talk about?" unable to speak, you simply shook your head no.

She switched her position so that she faced you head-on, hands either side of your cheeks while staring into your eyes. She leaned in slightly, giving you a chance to pull away if necessary. When you made no move to exit this situation, she rested her forehead against yours for a brief second before leaning in.

She kissed you, and it felt like the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. Her hand rested below your ear, Jill's thumb caressing your tear-stained cheek as your breaths mingled. She ran her fingers down your spine, pulling you closer until there was no space left between the two of you, and she could feel the beating of your heart against her chest.

This was the peace you hoped and dreamed for. To everyone else, Jill was hard-headed; very much a dominant figure in any room she stepped in, her attitude towards others could be off-putting. But for you? She was the complete opposite—a real sweetheart in every sense of the word. Not a day has gone by where she hasn't called you during her break to make sure you were OK. She liked to leave a little good morning message for you on the bedside table, detailing everything she adored about you.

As your lips parted, Jill took the opportunity to give you the one line that brought the butterflies in your stomach fluttering to life "I love you Y/N,"

You practically crumbled at her words. Only she had this effect on you; she knew all too well what them words did to you. The shade of red that hit your face was like the heat of hell itself. Your cheeks blushed furiously as you buried your face into the crook of her neck.

"I love you too, Jill." You mumbled out the best you could as you inhaled her intoxicating scent.

"How about I get out of my work clothes, and then I cuddle you until you fall asleep? How does that sound to you?" she spoke softly, barely above a whisper. A wide smile stretches across your face at the mention of cuddles with your beautiful girlfriend.

"That sounds perfect."

She does as she suggested, changing into something more suitable for cuddling with the love of her life. She closes the window and hops into her spot next to you. Letting you splay yourself out on top of her, she once again wraps you up in her addictive embrace.

A sigh of contentment is released from your body as you relax entirely in her arms, your bodies fuse together in a lazy state. Just before you drift off into a deep slumber, you hear her say.

"What have I told you about leaving that window open,"

"What have I told you about leaving that window open,"

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