Miss Redfield (Claire imagine)

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Ok, but please tell me You all saw the showcase??? How fucking good does re8 look?

Anyway!! I hope you enjoy this, The song above was on repeat while writing this. (I just genuinely like the song, it has nothing to do with the imagine, lmao.)

Can you feel my heart beat racing? Memories of heartbreak fading, I reach out these arms embracing you (You). They don't have a love worth chasing, we go far beyond those spaceships. Open up your eyes, you see it too

Being late for the third day in a row wasn't how you pictured this week to go. You mentally curse yourself as you get closer to the building you call your workplace—a massive tower in the city center. You know that this will be the time you get caught out, so far you had managed to avoid any disciplinary but three days in a row was hard to go unnoticed, even if you were just an assistant.

Working here was stressful most times, but not for the reasons of work, but because your boss was Claire Redfield. The mysterious beauty, she didn't talk much, but when she did, it was commanding. She was effortlessly beautiful from head to toe, and you weren't the only one who thought so. Claire had mostly everyone at the company wrapped around her finger.

As her assistant, you had been that of an errand girl. You were sure that Miss Redfield didn't even know your name, but then again, you were just the girl who brought her morning coffee and filed her papers. Working for Miss Redfield didn't get off to a great start the first time you met her brother, Chris. You called him Mr. Roidfield by mistake. From there on out, she would call you names that sounded familiar to yours but certainly weren't correct.

Miss Redfield was a fair boss at times, though, often letting you go home early, assuming you had finished all of your tasks. One morning she even had a car pick you up and bring you to work. The people you work with often suggested that Miss Redfield had a soft spot for you, and these random acts of kindness sure pointed towards that, but It just didn't seem like she took any notice of you inside of work.

Arriving at the building and clocking in swiftly after, you made your way toward the elevator to take you up to the very top floor. The ride to the top is long but uneventful. Every floor that goes past fills you with the anticipation of seeing Miss Redfield.

The ping of the elevator knocks you from your deep thoughts, and the silver doors open wide, revealing the clean and tidy office space. Here sat your desk and a closed-off room, which was Miss Redfield's office. With her coffee in hand, you crossed the floor and opened up the door to her office. It's massive in comparison to the room just outside that you occupied. The rows of glass windows offered the city's best view, an array of high-rise buildings scatter the landscape. None of them even compare to this building, though. You can see for miles; every piece of the city was on full display. You couldn't help but wonder what it looked like at night when the sky fell dark, but the city would light up.

The empty office had a delightful smell in the air. It was a scent that only Claire could wear, an aroma that you had found yourself falling in love with. It's not overpowering; it doesn't completely take over. It's light and addicting. You have to admit that it suits Claire perfectly.

It wasn't often that you got to see Claire's office empty, so after placing the coffee on her desk, you decided to do some exploring. A cabinet sealed with thick looking glass was situated in the very left of the room. Inside was plastered with awards and accolades for her work as the founder of such a successful business. You were in awe of the success she's had at such a young age.

Right next to that, on a podium sat a Motorcycle, it was spotless; not a single mark was on the bike. It gleamed in the sun that spiked through the windows. You couldn't resist reaching out and touching the handlebars. If you had to guess, this motorcycle cost more than your annual salary and then some.

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