Thirty One- The Elvis of Prythian

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A/N: I just finished watching The Night Stalker on Netflix and doesn't Ramirez look like a freaking Sway Boy?! Like I can't even!! Imagine him wearing a Party Animals hoodie and dancing with Addison!!!

Lol I crack myself up.

Anyhow, man's a fucking sick bastard. Those of you who haven't watched it and can stomach all the gore, please do!

Okay so now let's get back to the story :)

Thirty One- The Elvis of Prythian

"You have to go approach him and compliment his jacket!" Feyre snorted at Mor who was trying her best to hold back her laughter. The males around us were trying to do the same as we all stared at the goofily dressed male that had strutted into Rita's. He looked quite comfortable with seizing up the ladies and offering them not so subtle compliments about their figure. He was even bold enough to make a pass at some of them. The females found it revolting as they ignored him and made it their life's mission to avoid him at all costs. I couldn't help but feel bad for the trashy Elvis lookalike as he tried to order the females a round of drinks and they all declined the offer.

Mor fluttered her lashes at the male who seemed too afraid to approach her seeing that she was sharing a table with three Illyrian males.

"The poor guy looks like he wet his pants," I mused as I took a gulp of my drink. Cassian nodded, "I can smell it from here,"

I laughed, "All thanks to all the brooding and glaring coming from your end,"

The male raised his hands up in mock surrender, "I swear it's all Az's fault,"

I avoided the spymaster's gaze as it pinned itself on me. Without a word, I downed the rest of my drink and stared down at the empty glass, "I'm going in for a refill," and before any of the males had the chance to be chivalrous, I hopped off my chair and made a beeline to the bar.

"Hit me with another," I said as I placed my glass on the wooden platform with a loud thunk. The barman, a lesser Fae with lavender skin- shot me a small glare before proceeding to refill my drink. From the corner of my eye I could see the fancy Fae male stare at me.

The barman pushed my glass towards me, "Take it slow will ya?" He said before going back to refilling the other customers' drinks.

I hopped down from the barstool and turned to face the male who immediately looked the other way once I caught him staring.

"Loose the jacket and grease up your hair. You're going for the Danny Zuko but right now you're just giving me DeVito," I said before making my way back to the table knowing pretty well that I left him even more confused than before.

The Fae at the table seemed to be holding in their breath as I took my seat. A second of silence followed before Mor broke it.

"I have no idea what you said but you left him flummoxed!"

Feyre laughed, "When you said grease, were you referring to the wet sloppy grease?"

I nodded, "it became quite a fashion statement in the seventies,"

The Fae at the table (except the spymaster who looked like he was in the middle of a sermon) looked intrigued.

I took a sip of my drink, "In my world we had different eras. The seventies, the eighties and so on," I said and proceeded to explain the dynamics of each decade.

"Your world seems so different compared to ours," Rhysand said as he idly ran a finger up and down Feyre's palm. I nodded, "It is,"

"Do you miss it?"

I stared into my glass as I turned the question over in my head, "I do," I said finally, "life wasn't great but there's no place like home," I gave a small shrug before emptying my drink. I stared at the empty glass, "wow at this rate I'm going to end up finishing up all the drinks here,"

Cassian chuckled, "Oh don't worry, Mor did that once- they're used to it,"

I couldn't help but grin at that.

Suddenly Mor shot up to her feet, dragging Cassian up with her, "Come on let's go dancing!" She cheered and I found myself hauled to my feet by Rhysand who proceeded to drag me along with him. Feyre held me by the other hand and I was completely powerless against it. I heard Azriel say something about going out to scout the area and that was that. The next thing I knew I was pushed into a crowd of Fae and I let myself get lost in the music.


"You might want to see this,"

It was Azriel as he came back to the now empty club with a grim expression over his features. Immediately the entire group of us sobered up as we caught on what he was referring to. "What's going on?" Rhysand asked as we all followed the spymaster who led us to the bridge where a badly wounded dead female lay.

"I found her on my way back, she was already dead when I got to her," the spymaster said as he stared down at the body. She was clutching a bloodied pane of glass in her right hand, her eyes milky white and rolled upwards to the back of her head. The area around her arms were pale save for smidges of something that looked like soot which dotted over her skin.

I crouched down beside the body and stared at it. "The blood is still warm," I said as I dipped my fingers into the pool of crimson around her, "clearly, the wound was deep enough to slow her healing giving the killer enough time to murder her using something else,"

"Killer?" Feyre asked.

I nodded, "It's definitely a murder. The victim shows signs of struggle,"

"But she's the one clutching onto the weapon," the spymaster said as he stared down at the body, "it looks like she took her own life,"

I shook my head as I slowly turned her head to the side, "See the slit across her neck, it's deeper in the right side and shallow on to the left," I pulled out my dagger from my boot and used the hilt to slowly probe into the wound to prove my point, "If she did kill herself she would have a deeper incision on the left and it would get shallower from there to the right," I pointed at the bloodied pane of glass she was loosely clutching, "she's holding it in her right hand, which means it wasn't her who committed suicide,"

"The killer murdered her. He or she is left handed, they slit her throat, left her here and placed the weapon in her hand to make it look like a suicide," I looked up to find realization dawning on the others. Cassian broke the silence, "Seen a lot of this where you come from?"

I nodded as I tore a piece of fabric from my tunic and used it to grab onto her wrist to get a closer look at the soot. Suddenly a sharp stab of pain shot up my arm causing me to drop her hand in a jerk. My vision buzzed and I almost went off balance. Rhysand steadied me with a hand onto my shoulder.

There was something dark residing in her that I couldn't figure out. The others felt it too and it was Rhysand who said, "Stay away from the body Kaira, we don't know what she's hosting,"

I could feel the energy residing in her and couldn't help but reach for her hand again. This time there was no pain instead of a dull throbbing in my head, "She is hosting something," I looked up at the others, "I want to get a better look at it,"

"It's too dangerous," the spymaster said as his gaze met mine.

I couldn't stop the glare I threw at him, "That's for me to decide. We need to look into this further, somethings not right,"

And it sure as hell wasn't. I had seen this before. Felt this energy before, although I was never given the opportunity to look into it further. But this time the opportunity was right here. This dark energy, it resided in almost all his victims- thieves and crime lords who had gotten on his bad side.

This female was definitely one of them and I couldn't help but wonder what she had done to get on my uncle's bad side.

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