chapter 16

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10 minutes later

I had managed to get through to rau and I had decided to hide the darksaber away for the time being.

I come to the face of the man i was after, Jesse sabine this is a surprise rau begins what can I do for you.

We need to talk rau

What's wrong jesse

Can you meet us on chopper base its important sabine asks the older mandalorian

Of course i will gather some men and meet you in a couple of hours then the transmission ended.

2 hours later

Sabine and I returned to attolon after the long ride in my new ship we named star bird, then the comms activated

Unidentified ship you are in a restricted airspace state your business or be fire upon.

I get on the comms and began to speak, phoenix home this is captain shields apologies for not reporting in I'm transporting clearance codes now.

Codes check out captain your cleared for landing, nice ship by the way,

thank you it was a parting gift from a problem that's been solved, has my guest arrived yet?

If your referring to the mandalorians then yes they only arrived 15 minutes ago they are awaiting you in their ship.

Alright thank you for letting me know, I end the transmission and take us down to the surface and land on the base,Sabine and I walk down the ramp and head straight for rau's ship he meets us half way ezra Sabine its been awhile he says as we grab and shake arms, indeed it has rau,

so what did you want to talk to me about that was so important asked rau 

this conversation must be private

of course follow me to the Stryker,

we head into the ship and are met with some of the other protectors,

so what did you need to see me about jesse he asks me 

I have something to show you,

what's this about

its at this moment I show him the blade 

a lightsaber he asked curiously 

Sabine and I look at each other, not just any blade I ignite it to reveal the black blade I'm met with the shocked looks of rau and his men 

it can't be said rau

so you know of this blade 

that I do it is the dark saber the symbol of house vizla and then later known as deathwatch 

exactly I said back 

how did you come by this blade 

I won it from maul in a duel 

wait you beat him, he's dead?

yes Sabine can back up my story 

he then looks to Sabine 

its all true I saw jesse take his head clean off 

the you have done what many others failed to do,

what is your plan with the saber he asks 

I have proclaimed myself as mandalor, I plan to reunite all the mandalorian clans and take back mandalore and I could use some help, rau he looks back at his men and they nod, then rau and his men kneel from this day forth I Fenn rau of the protectors hereby solemnly swear my allegiance to the new mandalor till the end of time and be by your side until my time has come.

rise protectors we have work to do.  

if you could convince your mother to help you, all of mandalor might follow you and the darksaber.

so it's time 

gather your men we fly for Concordia tomorrow.

understood they bow and Sabine and I go to commander sato to take a leave of absence.

To think that you'd be losing 2 of your best assets he wasn't overly joyed but granted our request congratulated us on our marriage, also gave us a new droid j3t or jet for a wedding gift, Sabine had painted him orange and black.

after the meeting Sabine and I went onto the ghost to speak to the crew

what's up you guys, what did you want to tell us Hera asks

Sabine and I wanted to tell you that we are taking a leave of absence from the rebellion

what why she asks

is this to do with the blade? asked kanan

what blade Hera replied

this one, its called the darksaber, its a symbol for all mandalorians to rally behind, I'm going to use it to free mandalore then also to fight the empire afterwards.

how long will you guys be gone for 

that we don't know could be months maybe even a year. I say

Hera walks up to us and hugs us.

we wont be leaving until tomorrow Hera. 

I thought so, just wanted to get as much hugs in as I could who know when the next time I see you guys

dinners ready lets eat together one last time.

we sat down and ate dinner then Sabine and I went to our room to pack what we needed and headed for the starbird to sleep.          

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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